I know none of you have ever done this.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
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Today was my soaping day. I decided to make some soaps that smell like flowers I miss, because they don't grow in Montana. So my first one was Jasmine, second Wisteria, and today was Freesia day. I did a 2 color IPS, and it turned out pretty nice.
I put it in the freezer to prevent gel one hour ago and it looks fine.
http://i1229.photobucket.com/albums/ee4 ... ited-1.jpg
http://i1229.photobucket.com/albums/ee4 ... stake2.jpg
So I am cleaning up the kitchen and what do I find, but my little bowl with my freesia scent in it. I just made a beautiful unscented soap...argh.....
Aw. It is beautiful though! I haven't done this with soap before, but I have left out a spice or something when cooking food. :)
Your soap is really nice looking! I love the top!
pretty swirls...can't wait to see cut pics! yes I can so relate...made a batch of OMH and forgot to add the oats! :wink:
Oh, it's beautiful! (but unscented) Please post some cut pictures- it truly is beautiful. Maybe there is someone out there who is sensitive to fragrances and can't use them but would love some pretty soap!!!

My sister once forgot to put the flour in her chocolate chip cookies. I could never figure out how she managed that one.
Looks great! I am amazed at the # of people that want unscented soap for one reason or other, and you will surely find a use for it.
Yep, I've done that too so now, I add the fragrance to my oils. I can't see your photos at this stage but I'm sure it's beautiful. :wink:
What a shame, I only did that 4 weeks ago, but was lucky enough to remember -when I just poured it - so out of the mould again and added the FO just in time. Now I double check that I've added everything on the sink, I put it in a row and see if all the contents are empty.

Relle9 said:
What a shame, I only did that 4 weeks ago, but was lucky enough to remember -when I just poured it - so out of the mould again and added the FO just in time. Now I double check that I've added everything on the sink, I put it in a row and see if all the contents are empty.


Good advice, I should start making this too, since I nearly forgot to add Olive Oil in my last batch of soap (40% OO). :roll: Fortunately I remembered that something is missing before I added the lye, lol. :lol:
Relle9 said:
What a shame, I only did that 4 weeks ago, but was lucky enough to remember -when I just poured it - so out of the mould again and added the FO just in time. Now I double check that I've added everything on the sink, I put it in a row and see if all the contents are empty.


Well, my second batch was the culprit for me. I'm definitely going to use this method. I have old-timers and forget lots of things these days.
Oh no dont you hate it when that happens. I read a really good tip somewhere once and I think it is great, they suggested putting your fragrance bottle in your mold so that when you go to pour you will remember the fragrance.............guess it would muck up any swirling though. Log looks fantastic cant wait to see it sliced.
Wow!!! That is really pretty! If you don't have a market for it, I would consider buying it from you. I know some people who want unscented soap. I don't know if they are interested in it being pretty, but they would be after seeing this! I make plain soap for them, so.... (don't sell it to them)
That is gorgeous soap and I wouldn't care if it wasn't scented. I love unscented soap. I forgot my coconut cream a few weeks ago. I had a lovely clay swirl too. I had no choice but to plop it back into the pot, add milk, lose swirl. :cry:
Thanks guys. It is pretty so hopefully someone will want some. I don't sell soap yet, and this would still be a nice gift right. I have a friend from my quilt guild who machine quilted an entire wall quilt with water soluble thread. She didn't realize it until she washed it. So I can tell her this story now.
foresthome said:
Thanks guys. It is pretty so hopefully someone will want some. I don't sell soap yet, and this would still be a nice gift right. I have a friend from my quilt guild who machine quilted an entire wall quilt with water soluble thread. She didn't realize it until she washed it. So I can tell her this story now.

OMG, your poor friend. Having made only a couple of quilts in my day, I cannot imagine the heartbreak.

I would think anyone would love getting a bar of that soap.
foresthome said:
Thanks guys. It is pretty so hopefully someone will want some. I don't sell soap yet, and this would still be a nice gift right. I have a friend from my quilt guild who machine quilted an entire wall quilt with water soluble thread. She didn't realize it until she washed it. So I can tell her this story now.
oh for all that's holy! I would have balled for days, I can't even get a couple blocks finished before I'm racking my brain on a quilt, I couldn't imagine having it crumble when I washed it. :cry: