I ate 8oz of raw salmon tonight... mmm

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Freemason, Maker, Father, Mover & Shaker
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2008
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DeLand, FL
It was surprisingly good.... most raw fish ive eaten at once before, I figure since im on this new workout kick, might as well get the purest nutrients I can and I dont want them to get denatured by heat if at all possible... (yes I froze it first to kill the beasties)

it was real good!

mixed it with brown rice in small cubes, some dill, garlic salt, pepper (black, crushed red, and a menage blend) and some evoo... mmmmm

never felt more like a bear than tonight.
ilovedoxies said:
LOL, you could learn how to make your own sushi. I love sushi I could eat it every day.

:D Me too... takes a long time to prepare though.
You could probably just add salt, rice vinager, wasabi, soy sauce, ginger, nori and diced up salmon to some rice.
which is darn close to what I did!!

Making sushi isnt so bad, a few of my friends and I did it in College, the sticky rice is the beyotch part of it... that takes a while and I suck at making it lol
Sounds wonderful, Ian. I love sushi and I suck at it, too, but we have a wonderful place really close to us. Sometimes in the middle of the afternoon I go there and sit at the bar. The head sushi chef makes me the most spectacular layout. It's a big wooden boat he decks out (pun intended) with wasabi roses and a vegetable vase of flowers. I like the little black caviar on everything. And masago with quail egg. Yum! Ian, now I have to have lunch there tomorrow!
BakingNana said:
Sounds wonderful, Ian. I love sushi and I suck at it, too, but we have a wonderful place really close to us. Sometimes in the middle of the afternoon I go there and sit at the bar. The head sushi chef makes me the most spectacular layout. It's a big wooden boat he decks out (pun intended) with wasabi roses and a vegetable vase of flowers. I like the little black caviar on everything. And masago with quail egg. Yum! Ian, now I have to have lunch there tomorrow!

mmmmm that sounds soo gooood! I need to go to a REAL sushi place, I havent really had any except homemade and out of publix :)
Ian, believe it or not Omaha is teeming with sushi places. Everyone thinks of beef when they think of Omaha, but we're just a huge "eating" town....anything and everything. Does the age demographic (mine, or close enough anyway!) in Florida affect the variety available? Info for future reference! Gotta have good sushi.
BakingNana said:
Ian, believe it or not Omaha is teeming with sushi places. Everyone thinks of beef when they think of Omaha, but we're just a huge "eating" town....anything and everything. Does the age demographic (mine, or close enough anyway!) in Florida affect the variety available? Info for future reference! Gotta have good sushi.

mmmmm i looooves sushi so much! lol

I would never have thought Omaha was big for sushi!! def under that omaha beef stereotypical thinking lol...

Id say age demographic def affects the food available over here... i mean you gotta search for the things you want, like there are NO "fine Italian" shoppes down here like I had when I was in NY... oh how i miss fresh Prosciutto and real canolis and all that good stuff... :(

lots of really old people down here so they tend to favor the all you can eat for $5 places. There are looooads of beef joints, soooome sushi places but they are expensive as ever... out of my budget for right now :) lol

I loooove eating lol

I just bought 10lbs of pork loin for 11 bucks last night at sams club... ( i spent WAY too much on food... about $130 and didnt even get everything i needed)

::sigh:: one day ill have a farm and wont need to buy half this stuff... one day.....
Good buy on that pork! Costco has good prices on meat, too, but I don't eat meat very often. I have cholesterol issues. I would have guessed you'd find a lot of all-you-can-eat places in Florida. Like Branson, MO. Hard to get a good meal there that's not warmed up canned stuff on a buffet.

p.s.....Ate some fabulous canoli a couple nights ago...cholesterol be damned! If you ever get to Omaha and crave Italian, try Vincenzo's on Blondo Street. Sugo sauce to die for and they have an Italian twist to their escargot. Here's an example of how many restaurants we have...there are two Vincenzo's and they're not even related to each other, each with multiple locations. The other one stinks. We have so many restaurants, bistros, and cafes. Lots of choices in any genre you can think of. Since the kids left home most week nights I just throw together a salad for dinner, but on the weekends we eat every meal out. Lived here all my life and we could still eat at a different place every time if we wanted. Of course, we have our favorite haunts.