I am very very scared

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
Victoria Australia
This afternoon my husband noticed a large lump on my beautiful old dogs throat area.I have been blaming myself for not noticing it before but he's a shepherd cross with a thick mane and l completely missed it.He's been off his food for a couple of days but apart from that nothing has given me cause for alarm but now l am so scared,he has seen me through some of my worst lows in my life .Operation after operation he has helped me back to recovery, sitting by my side in the middle of the night when the pain had got too much for me ,waiting at the bottom of the steps so l could use him to lean on ,when l had a bad fall he went and found my husband who was working half a mile away.I am sitting here bawling my eyes out like a baby but l do love my dog so much and l am so very scared what the vet will tell us tomorrow. :cry:
Well, it might be a thyroid thing... they could prob. just put the puppy on medication. Think positive!!!

Poor puppy!
I wish you and your dog the best-- perhaps it is just a fatty tumor or sebaceous cyst and the appetite is unrelated? It's hard, but try not to panic. Go see a vet and then take it from there.
I wish you and your dog the best-- perhaps it is just a fatty tumor or sebaceous cyst and the appetite is unrelated?

That was my first thought. I had the same thing happen to my Golden Retriever. It was very scary but turned out it was nothing!!! Hopefully, you get the same result as me.
Thankyou everybody for your best wishes,l have an appointment this afternoon with the vets so l will report in after we have been.
I would also like to thank the forum itself ,l was so upset but just the chance to vent my worries and concerns made me feel a whole lot better.I had sort of bottled it all up and it wasn't till after l had written my piece and got everything off my chest that l could think clearly and rationally.Now no more tears just a determination to do everything in my power to see my Buster gets the best treatment he deserves no matter what the problem is.
Sending lots of good mojo for Buster.
I really really hope that everything goes well at the vets, I imagine that you will have to get some tests done.
He sounds like a fantastic companion!!
pops i'm sorry to hear about Buster I hope its nothing serious it's not a nice feeling when our faithful companions are unwell, we've almost lost our livestock guardian dog 3 times in the last 4 months she not only gives unlimited love to us humans but her duty in guarding her goats is invaluable. Here's hoping things are just minor for you and Buster. (((HUGS)))
Its bad news :cry:
He has Multricentric Lymphoma survival time is about 2 months if untreated and a few more if treated with steroids.For us chemo isn't an option ,Buster doesn't like to out of his own environment or routine and it would be very upsetting for him to have to stay at the vets and the other big factor is the enormous cost which the vet said would maybe give him another 6 months but l don't want Buster to live his remaining time upset he deserves better than that. I don't think its worth it so it looks like the end of the road for my beautiful boy.We plan to look after him until it becomes too much for him,no way will he suffer.
Sorry that's me finished writing l was really good at the vets but as soon as l started typing its non stop tears.
oh pops, I wish it were better news. May you enjoy the time you have left with Buster i'm sure he loves you very much.
I'm so sorry! I wish your wonderful boy the very best. I'm sure he appreciates your decision. I know dogs hate being out of their environment too. Plus, he'd want to be with you anyways.

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