I am so proud! GM soap finally

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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2008
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SW Missouri
I finally got the nerve to try some GM soap and I love the way it turned out! I used 2/3 water and 1/3 frozen slushy gm milk (canned)-- added the slushy gm to the lye water when it had cooled. Added 1 tsp TD mixed with a 1/2 oz olive oil to the oils before putting in the lye mixture. Only problem I had was it separated on me in the crockpot. I stickblended the crap outta it, added 3/4 oz jojoba after cook.

The soap looks soooo creamy. It's a really nice beige color. Thanks everyone who posted all your tips and tricks to gm soap. I am absolutely in love with it :lol:

Congrats on your GM soap. It's always exciting when an attempt turns out.
that is awesome!! glad it worked out for you!!! :)

i think when i make GM soap i may use powdered... the fresh milk makes me nervous! there are so many ways to scew it up...and i feel like id find each and every one of them!... but hey thats how i learn! :)
It's always a great feeling when things turn out. Hooray.

I haven't done GM yet but very soon. I have the powder though.
Thanks everyone! IanT, I was scared to death, I know that's silly but I knew I was going to mess it up :lol:

Here's the pix for ya topcat, I know they're boring, I have got to learn how to shoot soap porn :oops:


I am so proud. GM soap finally

WOW! This is very nice looking soap. You should be proud. You used the crockpot? Was this HP? I am very impressed with how smooth these bars are. What is your secret? My crockpot soaps look like smooshed together mashed potatoes.
Thank you rita! Yes it was crockpot hot process. I'm not too sure about a secret :lol: I can only tell you how I soap.

All of my soaps contain at least lard, coconut, and castor. This one had Lard, coconut, castor, shea, olive and 3/4 oz jojoba added after the cook. I don't use a water discount and I take my soap off the heat when it gets to the applesauce stage and stir it until it gets vaseline like, then add my superfatting oils, scents and colors. (That is if it doesn't seperate on me, in that case I stickblend it back together and hope it's ok!) Pour it in the mold and bang the mold down hard a few times, cover it with saran and let it sit about 12 hours before unmolding.

I'm not an expert by any means but I've been soaping exclusively cphp for around 9 mths now and love it. HTH


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