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Feb 8, 2022
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I make dog shampoos. I cant seem to get a nice soapy lather. I need help.
I use thickened water (I use cornstarch), castle soap, Aloe Vera juice, vegetable glycerin, coconut oil, and essential oils. It cleans but no lather.
Please, any suggestions would be helpful.
Hey, welcome to the forum. This forum is for making soap from scratch. It's a lot of fun and you might like to learn how in the liquid soap section.

Since you are starting with Castile soap, it is already soap and can't handle much being added to it. The more you add, the less it will lather. I would advise just using the soap, or learning to make soap from scratch with your desired oils and aloe vera juice. And be sure to research which essential oils are safe for dogs

Having said that, there is some controversy about whether soap is safe for dogs since it is such a high pH.
The pH is 6.8 as tested so not concerned there. I am wondering if the cornstarch is why it wont lather.
What you made is not actually a true shampoo. It is soap with stuff added to it, and sounds as if it came from blogs by people who don’t truly understand the science of making soap or shampoo. Otherwise, they would know exactly what @artemis told you: by adding a bunch of other things to premade soap, you kill the lather.

Also, if you are using pH strips to test this concoction, please know that they are usually very inaccurate and show several points below the true pH.

You can find some threads here that talk about making dog soap by using the Search box at the top of the page. Good luck.
Welcome, Bobbie!

Ditto what artemis and AliOop said. The more additives you mix into an already-made soap, the more the lather will diminish, most especially if the additives are oils or oil-based.

IrishLass :)

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