I have 2,000,000 commercial ins. for my main business. I find it rather hard to believe, as a Canadian that you can be sued for your soap. That would be a realllll hard one to prove. I'm not saying that insurance is a bad thing, but proving your soap, especially the natural product we produce could fall under any blame whatsoever in a lawsuit is beyond me. ( I test all soap on myself first) And before you say it, yes I am well aware of the bizzaro lawsuits that have been reported online and in the press. The most famous being the Mickey D's Coffee suit, but contrary to popular belief the woman in the suit did not get millions of dollars, she , I can't remember the exact amount, but she ended up walking away with something of the order of 100,000 minus lawyers fees, so she ended up with a new purse.
Also there has been legislation enacted in the states to do away with frivolous lawsuits that came out of that case.
Personally I am very carefull with my product, I am going to label the warnings of possible allergic reactions, and if they still want to sue me then they had better hope they have better lawyers than me because I will drag it all over the courts and the media for years.
But just me, I think that will never happen at a flea market level, and if someone threatens it, hand them your lawyers name and tell them you'll gladly see them in court and counter sue for harrasment and defamation of character.