HP Pine Tar added at the end?

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I'm sorry your having trouble with your pine tar. I love pine tar. I only have one piece left so I will need to make more soon but I just wanted to mention that If you want to have pine tar soap it might be easier to try a CP recipe I use a really easy recipe with just OO,CO, and a wee bit of castor oil and it turns out amazing and I just pour it at the first slightest look of trace and it gets in the mold just right. Just a thought I'd mention that. But I hope 🙏 your pine tar will work out.
Like Alioop said, when you open the can of pine tar it smells like a road tar or burning rubber. It’s pretty awful.

BUT as it cooks it mellows out and added a smoky smell that mixed beautiful with the essential oils I used.
So I looked up Auson for pine tar cause I'd like to try it and there is so many different kinds red, brown,dark,light do you know which one is the best for soap making or do they all work. Which one do you like? @DeeAnna .