How to blend fragrance oils?

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Jun 13, 2023
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I'm thinking about making a fragrance oil mix in batch. I have already worked out the ratio and all that, have tried using it in CP soap.

Now that want to mix them in large quantity and store them, how do I start? Is it as simple as pouring one into the other and stir it? Is there any precaution I should take about mixing and storing them?

Thanks in advance for any help. 💕💕💕
I did this once, I was able to get an empty bottle from one of the places I buy my FOs. I did just mix and stir them really well, and pour them into the big bottle. When I’m ready to use it I just kind of flip the bottle upside down and right side up again in case anything settled (like mixing without shaking) It seems to have worked fine but this is just anecdotal, I haven’t read anything that says not to do that.
I'll be curiously watching this thread as others chime in.

I frequently blend FOs, but have been cautious about blending up a big batch ahead of time. I've noticed FOs from different suppliers seem to change over time (or my nose is just continually being influenced). I would be concerned about blending two FOs only to have them change once blended, as time wears on, and wasting all that material.
Not sure if this applies, but I do have pre-mixed EO blends that I keep in glass bottles in the refrigerator. I do keep all my EOs and FOs in the refrigerator. I've saved old fragrance bottles, put on a new label with the name I've given it and percentages of the scents.
My understanding is that they must be stored in glass and refrigeration slows down the degradation of the oils. I've had some that have been stored for several years like that and still seem to perform well. Ideally I only mix enough for 6-12 months use, but sometimes don't use it up as fast as expected.