How much honey is enough?

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Mar 23, 2014
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I have made soaps with honey many times. However, it seems that sometimes if I use different types of fragrance oils the soap seems to turn out too soft. Should I cut back on the honey or the oils when they are used together? The amount is usually 1tbsp of honey and fragrance oils per 2lbs of soap. Thanks.
That's not too much honey. I use about 1 tbs for a 2-3 lb batch with no problems. It may just be your recipe. How long do you wait to unmold? How much water are you using? Could be one of several things I can think of.
how much fo did you use? 1T? or was it only the honey?

1T honey for 2lbs of soap seems sensible. i would not blame it on the honey if the soap is too soft.

care to post your complete recipe, including your water amount?
The recipe is :
16 oz water
7.2 oz lye
20 gr melted beeswax
100 gr coconut oil
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp honey fragrance oil
1 tbsp myhrr fragrance oil
1 tbsp frankincense fragrance oil
1/4 tsp turmeric powder

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