How much CO in commercial soaps?

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Nov 16, 2018
Reaction score
Te Aroha, New Zealand
Anyone like to hazard a guess? I know we tend to keep the % of CO quite low in our home-made soaps on here to reduce the drying factor, but I wonder what the standard percentage is for the commercial soaps we all used to buy before making our own?
If we're talking real lye-based soap as opposed to soap-syndet cleansers, my notes show the typical coconut oil and/or palm kernel oil content is around 20% for modern commercial bath soaps. I also gather the CO/PKO content can range from 10% to 40%, so it's not like 20% is the only percentage used.

edit: The other main ingredient I usually see in commercial soap is tallow (sodium tallowate). An 80:20 blend of tallow and coconut is pretty common in the old soap makers' manuals I've collected. I can't say I've ever seen lard (sodium lardate) in the ingredients list for any commercial soap, modern or older.
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