How many little goblins visited your home?

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Only 5 here, as it was a Monday night and a school night I think that might have kept them away. Now what to do with all those lolly pops :) . I did make some halloween bikkies and took them to drumming and they were gobbled up. :D
Maybe about 80? We went through a lot of candy but some of the small ones were given 2 candy bars.

Oh, also 2 dog biscuits were given to the 4 legged beggar that was dressed as a squirrel. She was so cute and friendly. :lol:
I had 24, which was more than I expected. The predominant religion here hosted a trunk or treat Saturday. Then if they don't know you they won't bring their kids to your house. :( I got all the kids without parents! So they were getting 2-3 treats each. I can't resist, I remember being a kid and how fun it was getting candy!

edit - I got one more! I let him take two giant handfuls because I dont want to eat all this candy myself!

5 more! Not to bad, I never expected 30!
We ended up having 236. It was very windy but it was more then last year.
I am sorry Bubbles! My mom got 3 and she was so sad. She has a camera because of the angle of her house, so she can see the street. They were passing by her house (same problem I have), going up the other side of the street.

There needs to be a candy donation place! I have two bags left and have eaten 10 kit kat. There must be a candy needing person out there. :wink:
Thanks Soap Gurl. I feel sick from eating lots of chocolate slice and have umpteen bags of lollies (candy) to get rid of. Will take the candy to work I suppose and see who wants to eat "false teeth", "witchetty grubs", "snakes" and "frogs". :wink:
O here too Jenny, I actually had a letter put in my letter box saying that the kids in the street were doining halloween on sat urday night....

so I purposefully went and bought "eyeball lollies" and NO ONE SHOWED UP !!
Bubbles Galore said:
Thanks Soap Gurl. I feel sick from eating lots of chocolate slice and have umpteen bags of lollies (candy) to get rid of. Will take the candy to work I suppose and see who wants to eat "false teeth", "witchetty grubs", "snakes" and "frogs". :wink:

Hands up here for the frogs please.
Are they the frogs that are green on top and then white on the bottom? I love those ones. I have kit kat and crunch bars. I ate the couple of butterfinger that were left. I love the kit kats but not the crunch. Those are going to my brother, I remember him eating them at Halloween as a kid!

I am sorry to those of you that didn't have any kids come. I was really excited to get so many. I know how disappointing it is to get none. :(
0 here! I live on the opposite side of the Murray River to the main part of this town, which means minimal foot traffic.

Old hallows is not really a celebration here ... yet, so it was kinda expected.

I think a few schools used the 'dress up' theme for a school disco/dance thingie over the past couple of weeks.
We had 40 or 50, but a lot slower than last year. I'm getting really tired of the children who don't live in my neighborhood showing up without any costumes. Most of them are teenagers, using a bookbag as the candy bag. My hubby said he's going to put up a big sign next year that says, "No Costume, No Candy". They also tend to show up later than most and will ring the doorbell with the lights off. What has happened to Trick or Treating etiquette??

Sorry if this sounds harsh. I did dress up and give candy to everyone, even the ones too lazy to put on a costume. My thought is if you're too old to feel comfortable dressing up, then you shouldn't be out trick or treating.
Halloween was postponed until Friday in our town. The snows that came through brought down wires on dozens of streets. Most of our town and surrounding towns are without power since Saturday afternoon.

This said, I don't live on a residential street, so we won't get any. I have to take the kids to another neighborhood for trick or treating.
We had about 15. We live on a new street in our development. Out of the 9 houses in our circle 4 are under construction and 2 people weren't home so just three of us had our lights on. Next year will be better when all the houses are complete.
Not even one here :( That's unusual - usually there are a few local families who drop in to me. I find that it's changed a lot around here - when I was a child, it was all home-made costumes and plastic bags from the supermarket to collect your goodies. Now everything is bought readymade, including house decorations, and specially themed Halloween treats. I really miss trying to figure out what on earth children are dressed as in their homemade outfits :lol:

Also, I grew up on a suburban street with lots of young families and little traffic, and all the kids went around the whole area by themselves, without adult accompaniment. Now they are all supervised by parents, and only seem to call to houses where they know the owners. I can understand it, but I still think it’s sad. Sign of the times I guess. Have any of you noticed these changes where you are?

Now, I really must do something about the leftover chocolate.... :wink:

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