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Jun 2, 2012
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Mountains of Eastern Oregon
I made my first lotion bar and I want to give some away so I was wondering how to put it in something they could keep it in. So how do you package your lotion bars? And #2 be honest I can take it what do you think of this idea for a lotion bar sock sack? Go ahead I'm a big girl give me your best shot!;-)

sock resize.jpg
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I think it's a clever idea especially if the lotion bars are for feet and legs (heavier, oily bar). You could wrap the bars in cello and then stick them in the socks. Another cute idea would be to also use children's gloves for bars that are more for the hands. I suggest children's gloves because I've seen mittens priced quite cheaply at dollar stores.
Its funny you should bring this up. My grandmother just made me knitted soap bags to give away with my soap for mothers day and I thought they were a great idea for future gifts also. These do have a heart print on them so for future holidays I may not include the heart depending on who the gifts are for.

Soap Socks.JPG
theath2010 -

Those are really great! Please let your grandmother know I really like them. Too bad I don't knit. :(

Pepsi Girl -

I prefer to buy cellophane bags online since I can get them cheaper. Thre are quite a few suppliers like Nashville Wraps, Uline, etc that carries them. You can search for either cellophane or polypropylene to find suppliers. I'm not sure who has the best price now.

However, you can find them in local craft stores in the candy making section. You can also use the sheet cello on rolls that people use to wrap gift baskets. It would work out cheaper to cut the cello to the size you want rather than use bags. The bags can be a little expensive in stores. Although, WalMart carries cello snack/candy bags which aren't too expensive and they might work if the lotion bars aren't too large.
I like the socks and knitted bags. I've not quite settled on what to do with lotion bars either. Right now I'm putting them in cello bags (I can't remember right now where I ordered them - I did as Hazel suggests and checked around for the best price at that time). I remember someone on the forum posted once that she pours the lotion bars right into a tin, then they shrink up enough to be removed from the tin. I haven't tried that yet, although I do have an empto Altoids tin I'm going to experiment with soon.
I buy my cello bags online through a supplier called "My Girlfriend's House" or I learned of it through my district sales manager when I was doing Avon. One of my friends used to call it "my sister's kitchen" lol.. anyway they have some really cute printed cello bags and they come in all kinds of sizes and they have the re-sealable kinds with adhesive, so it makes for great storage for lotion bars.
I like the socks and knitted bags. I've not quite settled on what to do with lotion bars either. Right now I'm putting them in cello bags (I can't remember right now where I ordered them - I did as Hazel suggests and checked around for the best price at that time). I remember someone on the forum posted once that she pours the lotion bars right into a tin, then they shrink up enough to be removed from the tin. I haven't tried that yet, although I do have an empto Altoids tin I'm going to experiment with soon.

I found the post thanks! I'll try it!
I've seen containers on several sites but I don't know how good the prices are compared to each other. I know and carries tins. Also, Clueless posted a picture of her packaging and her lotion bar is in a screw up container. I thought it was really nice and easier to use than tins.

I asked her where she got them and she said
I pour my lotion bars into a guest soap mold (about 1.5 oz) and then put them in tins. This seems to work really well, but I suppose it would depend on the make up of your lotion, a softer bar wont come out of the mold very well.
I pour mine in twist up deodorant tubes. Elements B&B carries them, as does WSP and many others. You can get sizes from 1/2 oz to 3 ounces. Not as cute as the knitted sacks or booties, but very practical.

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