Hot Process Help Pronto! (Still cooking!)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
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I have a wonky crock pot, I dont think it is getting hot enough. I left it to cook overnight since it was so not hot, and it doesnt look any different this morning!!!!

I have switched crock-pots can up the heat, but this is my first attempt at HP and I dont know what I am seeing!

If I left the stuff to cook overnight at about 130-140, should that be enough to get through all the stages?

If I now up the heat, can I overcook it???

Thanks!! :?
Thick like mashed potato.....sort of gelish..amber but not totally transparent.
and the gel is light and slightly fluffy.

This is Liquid soap.
It sounds like it is jelling now that you have in in the other crock. Just keep an eye on it. If you have it on high especially. You can take out a tiny bit on your finger rub it to cool it and touch it to your tongue....if you get zapped it's not done. When you no longer feel a zap put it in the mould quickly. Good luck....sounds like everything if fine:)
Umm, this is more of a question than advice. But isn't one of the concerns overheating the soap and having it volcano on you? My understanding is that with HP you watch the pot so to speak.
Yes it can volcano, but if she is watching it close she can stir it down and turn the heat down. I usually start mine on high and the min. the sides start to show signs of gel I turn it completly off....not everyone does this though. Everyone has their own way. But by turning it off I don't have to hover over it constantly :)
CDC Said
"I left it to cook overnight "
THis was my concern, if left untened I just figured it could make an awful mess or worse.
Oh yeah.....too high a heat and a too small crock pot can make quite the mess. :lol:

I've had it erupt before......seems to me that lard soaps are the most guilty of volcanoing out of the pot. :)
Would that ruin a counter top if that were to happen? Just curious I was thinking about trying cphp at some point and with my luck it would run over .... I have a son that has Cerebral Palsy and he is always calling me to help him with something. If it would like take the color out of the formica or something I may need to look somewhere else to do it.

Hot process help pronto (still cooking)

Val, can you put the crock pot in your sink for the cook? That way if it went Mt. Vesuvius on you it would be contained where it could do no damage.
I may can........ not sure if the cord would reach. It is a smaller crock pot and I hate it.... the crock part is not removable. Figured it might work for soap LOL I will try that but still wondering if it wont reach.

Val, after I bring mine to a thick trace, I put the lid on, and as soon as it starts to gel I turn it completely off and let it finish on it's own. I've never had any problems this way.
So, it is kind of frothy now, whipped looking. the edges bubble.

Is this right????
Now turn it on low or keep warm and just turn it with a spoon once in awhile, I think I cooked my one and only pure HP batch for two hours.
Thank you everyone, you guys are awesome! I think I might love HP, it is so exciting!
Yep, your soap sounds like it's doing just what it's supposed to. :)

I make mostly CP, but I do a few HP batches on the side with my more persnikety fragrance oils. I don't have a big enough crock pot so I do mine in the oven in a tall, stainless steel soup pot. That's a great alternative if your crockpot is acting wonky. I just set my oven on to 170 degreesF, put my pot with the traced soap (covered) inside it, and usually within an hour or 2 it's done its thing.

IrishLass :)
That's what I did to wash my soap pot last week, gelled the leftover soap in it first. Thanks irishlass, I'm going to do my next batch like this, not just the leftovers. :lol:
so. next time, with the good crock, put all your oils and lye/water mixture in in, sb to tace then cook on high for 20-45 minutes, never had one go past this time. the outer edged will start to gel, then seems to do nothing, but its still working, i dont stir til the outer ring goes all the way to the middle, you'll see what i mean. Then stir and add color and fragrance, then if your going to superfat add a few ounces of mango butter, or castor, or johoba, it will make it somewhat easier to work with, then blob into molds, make sure to bang molds on floor to get air bubbles out. Good luck, dont leave your soap cooking all night next time :wink:
IrishLass said:
Yep, your soap sounds like it's doing just what it's supposed to. :)

I make mostly CP, but I do a few HP batches on the side with my more persnikety fragrance oils. I don't have a big enough crock pot so I do mine in the oven in a tall, stainless steel soup pot. That's a great alternative if your crockpot is acting wonky. I just set my oven on to 170 degreesF, put my pot with the traced soap (covered) inside it, and usually within an hour or 2 it's done its thing.

IrishLass :)

I agree with IrishLass, the oven method of HP can be a snap, as it sounds like the crockpot method is causing a bit of hoo-ha especially when you are busy with other things and being called away. I do the oven method a lot and it is really easy if you just want to toss it in and get stuff done. I preheat the oven to 100C (212F), measure and blend to med trace in a pot about twice as high as the soap level (although the oils I use aren't too volcano prone), then toss in the oven for 1 hour, and it comes out done and ready to mould every time, I don't even bother to look at it or stir it anymore, it's as consistent and regular as an old man ;)

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