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Another soapmaking adventure! Sounds like a special daddy and daughter bonding time, too. The swirled soap looks beautiful (insert applause). :D
I was wondering, though, did you wear your fashionable soapmakers uniform while buying cheese and milk and eating lunch? :lol:
thanks for sharing. your story is great.

we have kids the same age. so far my son has helped me soap by keeping the pets at bay.

I made doggy take off the shades. She's a beach bum. Real sun lover.


I do not believe the public is prepared for that level of awesomeness. (See, I really do live with teenagers!)
Dennis said:
carebear said:
Dennis said:
Half Caper Farm said:
What did you use for the brick red colouring? I've been looking for something like that!

That's cool that your daughter is joining in! :D

Brick red pigment from Bramble Berry. http://www.brambleberry.com/Brick-Red-oxide-Pigment-P4041.aspx
Mmm well you may end up Reliving the shower scene from Psycho with that colorant but it's kinda one of those things many soapers have found out for themselves. Or maybe not.

I'm impresses with your daughter - and even more with her dad. With the soap too!

UHOH! So the brick red is going to make a mess? :shock: If that happens we'll just have to laugh about it and learn. :lol: Thanks for the warning. I'll let you know what happens in a month or so. So far, so good with the others I've tried. Hmm, maybe I can set a scene, record the Psycho music and have some fun. I promise to show pictures. No, no, no. Not those. :roll: Makes me wonder how many decided to make soap and sell it before learning what their mistakes might cause and found out the hard way. Oh my. :twisted:
Daughter has a great sense of humor and will too soon be unleashed on the world. The good thing about daughters is they are always daddys' little girls. Boys just grow up and leave.

Your story warms my heart, Dennis. I too have a 15yr. old daughter and feel your pain (love!). I'm going to email her a link to this page (or show it to her, but I'd have to get a number and wait, :roll: ) so she can read your story and hopefully will want to make a batch of soap with me! :D )

Great job to you both!