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Sounds like a good day, and always fun to do something with the kids, or at least one of the kids. Looks like it came out nicely. I like that color--in fact I used it today myself.

Man, I know what you mean about the milk. I get funny looks in the grocery store. I have asked my husband if we could just buy a cow with a pipeline into the house :D :D It has eased a little since two of our sons moved into their own homes.
ToniD said:
Man, I know what you mean about the milk. I get funny looks in the grocery store. I have asked my husband if we could just buy a cow with a pipeline into the house :D :D It has eased a little since two of our sons moved into their own homes.

I think I get funny looks in the grocery store, because I never buy milk, eggs, cheese or bread! Or soap. . . 8)

You don't need a whole cow - just a couple of good goats. :wink:
I'm sorry. I forgot to mention that the soap looks great. Tell your daughter she did a wonderful job.

I still can't swirl worth a #$%. :cry:
Hazel said:
I'm sorry. I forgot to mention that the soap looks great. Tell your daughter she did a wonderful job.

I still can't swirl worth a #$%. :cry:

She said "Thank you."

I've watched videos of swirling and everything is so calm and neat. When we do it it's like keystone cops! Someday... :lol:
My 15 year old DD only has a passing interest in my soap, I keep inviting her but the computer is far more interesting :roll: Your DD did great, the soap looks awesome and I can't wait to see it cut.
AmyW said:
My 15 year old DD only has a passing interest in my soap, I keep inviting her but the computer is far more interesting :roll: Your DD did great, the soap looks awesome and I can't wait to see it cut.

Yes, I too, am envious of Dennis' day with his daughter. My 16 year old step-daughter lives with us, and I would love to find something we could share together. However, if it doesn't have anything to do with anime, manga, or Japanaese, she totally isn't interested. I've done my best to try to at least feign a passing interest in that stuff, but my, I find it so boring. Her dad doesn't even try :roll: .
I got up again at 3am. Checked out lovely daughter's soap and wrapped it up even though it seems ready. I want her to unwrap and reveal it.

"Dang, why doesn't she get up, it's almost 4am now!"

7am - I opened her bedroom door, glared and used my mind power to awaken her. Humpf, didn't work. The power of the teen is great and they recognize no limitations.

8am - Cold this morning. 50 degrees. What a great day to make more soap. She's still asleep. I may have to take her Nook away. Stays up too late reading.


She - "Morning daddy. Is the soap ready?" (my heart leaped.)

Me - "Let's look."

I let her unwrap the towels and reveal the final result. Much less ash than before. Not bad. She lifted the reused liner out of the mold without taking off the ends and unwrapped what looks to be a really nice first attempt with the help of a somewhat further along beginner, me.


She started to just cut at random but I had her measure and then cut at the same approximate thickness. She has a better eye than I. We weren't sure what to expect as both sides were white and we wondered if any of the red would show deeper.
Here's the very first cut. Sweet relief! I talked her through most of the actual making of this batch (something not difficult for me :lol:). She did most of the pouring and all of the swirling, etc.


And a couple of shots of the finals. Lovely daughter is quite proud of her work and expressed her desire to do more. I can hope it continues but with teens who knows? I'll enjoy it while it lasts.



And finally, our lowly apprentice kitchen cleanup helper. She comes running whenever the magic expression "CLEANUP!" is used.

The soap is fantastic! I'm so impressed and jealous...yes...jealous because I still haven't managed a swirl. You have to tell your daughter she's done an excellent job. I'd be thrilled if I could get just one loaf to look this nice.

Your lowly apprentice kitchen cleanup helper is adorable. I see she has the same fashion taste as you. :lol:
Wowsers!! They turned out awesome!!! (and the narration was pretty cool too 8) )
You gotta be happy with that soap ... it's beautiful. Well done to daughter and you're a great dad for teaching. Love your outfits guys and the dog and his PJs. :wink:
Great job Dennis and daughter...Hazel...funny you said that, I thought that was Dennis' shirt.
Dennis said:
Half Caper Farm said:
What did you use for the brick red colouring? I've been looking for something like that!

That's cool that your daughter is joining in! :D

Brick red pigment from Bramble Berry. http://www.brambleberry.com/Brick-Red-oxide-Pigment-P4041.aspx
Mmm well you may end up Reliving the shower scene from Psycho with that colorant but it's kinda one of those things many soapers have found out for themselves. Or maybe not.

I'm impresses with your daughter - and even more with her dad. With the soap too!
scouter139 said:
Great job Dennis and daughter...Hazel...funny you said that, I thought that was Dennis' shirt.

OMG! That was his shirt?

Dennis! Did you dress that poor little doggy in your shirt? :shock:

That's just down right abusive.

eta: I hope you realized I was joking.
carebear said:
Dennis said:
Half Caper Farm said:
What did you use for the brick red colouring? I've been looking for something like that!

That's cool that your daughter is joining in! :D

Brick red pigment from Bramble Berry. http://www.brambleberry.com/Brick-Red-oxide-Pigment-P4041.aspx
Mmm well you may end up Reliving the shower scene from Psycho with that colorant but it's kinda one of those things many soapers have found out for themselves. Or maybe not.

I'm impresses with your daughter - and even more with her dad. With the soap too!

UHOH! So the brick red is going to make a mess? :shock: If that happens we'll just have to laugh about it and learn. :lol: Thanks for the warning. I'll let you know what happens in a month or so. So far, so good with the others I've tried. Hmm, maybe I can set a scene, record the Psycho music and have some fun. I promise to show pictures. No, no, no. Not those. :roll: Makes me wonder how many decided to make soap and sell it before learning what their mistakes might cause and found out the hard way. Oh my. :twisted:
Daughter has a great sense of humor and will too soon be unleashed on the world. The good thing about daughters is they are always daddys' little girls. Boys just grow up and leave.
Soap looks awesomely fantastic--great Job to both of you!!!
Dennis - your Saturday soap story has inspired me to post for the first time! Must admit to having soap, cheese and sock envy right now. ;) Love, love, love the cheese from Sweet Home Farm. We have friends near Foley that turned us on to SHF . . . last time they came to visit they brought us 13lbs of cheese! I'm really impressed with your daughter's first time swirling abilities. None of my swirls have turned out that nice but it's an excuse to keep practicing I guess. Can't wait to see what you guys create next!