Honey and Turmeric Recipe

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Jan 13, 2021
Reaction score
Perth; Western Australia
Hi everyone,
I searched for a honey and turmeric recipe. I received an enquiry about it and have been trying to find out a bit more. My soap is vegan and so I don’t look at using honey usually .Though I have tried using it once previously and didn’t notice any difference.
I had been thinking of experimenting with facial bars as I get calls for this at markets , and now this enquiry came up.
I’m hoping for some kind assistance, if anyone can point me in the right direction.
Are there any specific oils and butters to use for facial bars?
I have read about activated charcoal for oily skin and pink clay for other facial bars.
My main question is regarding the oils and super fat.
Do facial bars require specific oils and different super fat %?
I usually use olive oil; avocado oil; coconut oil; shea and cocoa butter; palm oil; PKO and RBO. A small bit of sodium gluconate.

Thank you so much.
I use a mix of 75% lard, 20% coconut and 5% castor with 3% SF. No color and just a touch of FO. I make them in guest size molds and they last a long time. My face loves them, and they are popular with my friends and family. Credit to @AliOop for turning me on to this recipe.
Doesn’t touch on your honey and turmeric question, tho.
You can add turmeric and honey to any recipe you want. Do be mindful about using honey with other "heaters" so you don't end up with a volcano coming out of the mold, a big crack in the loaf, heat tunnels, etc.

For me, a facial soap has to be extremely low cleansing AND low super-fat. Too much cleansing dries out my skin terribly. Too much superfat makes me break out, probably because many oils used in soaping are highly comedogenic prior to saponification (meaning that those oils remain comedogenic to the extent those oils are the SF).

But everyone is different. I'd make small batches of low-cleansing, low-SF soaps and see what your testers like. :)
You can add turmeric and honey to any recipe you want. Do be mindful about using honey with other "heaters" so you don't end up with a volcano coming out of the mold, a big crack in the loaf, heat tunnels, etc.

For me, a facial soap has to be extremely low cleansing AND low super-fat. Too much cleansing dries out my skin terribly. Too much superfat makes me break out, probably because many oils used in soaping are highly comedogenic prior to saponification (meaning that those oils remain comedogenic to the extent those oils are the SF).

But everyone is different. I'd make small batches of low-cleansing, low-SF soaps and see what your testers like. :)
Thank you for this, I’ll start looking into this.

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