Are you going to make them the shape of a lump of coal? I was daydreaming of doing one with a rope for the guys in the family. I just need to figure out how. I may make some soap dough and form it around some soap in a lumpy shape. I have been requested to do a soap with AC, so I was hoping to make one batch and use for both purposes.
Do you have a Sweet Peppermint FO that does no discolor? I would love to find one that does not discolor in order to make a candy stripe soap. My lumps of coal, that were poured in a mold never sold well. My daughters m&p lumps of coal sold in a muslin bag sold well. I think it was because they were shiny and different shapes. If I remember she pured them in a slab mold and cut then in different shapes. I am thinking of doing that this year with my cp since she no longer does her soaps. We always used minty in the Lumps ofI'm also starting to form my plans for this year.
I'd like to do a candy cane soap this year, a red and white swirl would look quite striking. Maybe with a piped white top and shimmery white mica. Scented with a sweet peppermint FO.
I'll probably do a "Lump of Coal" soap, black soap with activated charcoal. Not sure on the scent yet, perhaps somethicoal. ng smoky and masculine.
Do you have a Sweet Peppermint FO that does no discolor? I would love to find one that does not discolor in order to make a candy stripe soap. My lumps of coal, that were poured in a mold never sold well. My daughters m&p lumps of coal sold in a muslin bag sold well. I think it was because they were shiny and different shapes. If I remember she pured them in a slab mold and cut then in different shapes. I am thinking of doing that this year with my cp since she no longer does her soaps. We always used minty in the Lumps of
Do you have a Sweet Peppermint FO that does no discolor?
Ooo, eggnog sounds good! Can you recommend an eggnog FO?I did a peppermint soap with red and white swirls last year that turned out really good, and an eggnog with a cinnamon pencil line. I am not that great at piping, so I have been practicing because I want to do some really tall cupcakes this year decorated to look like a trimmed Christmas tree, with a gold star on top.
Ooo, eggnog sounds good! Can you recommend an eggnog FO?