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Dec 21, 2008
Reaction score
Dallas, GA, USA
Hi Everyone,

I'm 27 and live about 40 miles outside of Atlanta GA. I've been making soaps for about 4 years now, though I must admit that lately I haven't done much with it and really need to get back into it.

I have far too many hobbies... I love gardening, soap making, crochet, hiking, backpacking, cooking, candleing... well the list could go on and on.

Can't wait to make lots of new soapy friends

I am new here as well. It sounds as if we have several things in common. I have only been making soap for almost a year now but love it. Just wanted to say welcome. Have a merry christmas or Happy Holidays.

Jburner: What kinda stuff are you interested in that we have in common?

Starduster: Thanks. I used to write a lot more than I do now, but it's nice to know my blogs a decent read *grin*
Things in common

Well lets see, Hmm, I have kids your age that's one, I love soap making. gardening, walking in the woods, reading, writing( I hear you blog?) that's a good start.

None of my kids have time to be into making soaps, candles or anything else, one works all the time the other has three kids and one on the way, one has one child and my son, he isn't into making things at all lol lol lol.
so keep up the adventurous spirit and don't ever stop lol. You are way ahead of the game.