herbal infusions for both colors and scents - recent results

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fiddletree -

Thanks for sharing the info. Your cupcake looks great so you can't be too bad at piping. I'm horrible at piping. I posted a pic a long time ago but I'm not going to tell you on which thread. It just depresses me every time I see it. :(
Awww, shoot, I'm feeling all contrary today(but glad my efforts are appreciated). So here is a photo of the first cupcake. I think I will go back to normal shaped soap that doesn't involve piping..... but I will continue to experiment with natural colors. I have indigo power in the mail, I'm excited to play with that!

See the glorious horribleness below! Fine for one that you can eat, but for soap..eh....yeah. I need to practice. I just called my (chef) mother in a frenzy asking how to improve!
Nice yellows both of them!

I have not used anatto yet, sounds like it is worth a try!

I just did a batch with infused paprika and I am very pleased. Will take some pictures later.

I also infused a few more oils, some I had mentioned but I got a couple of new ones. Trying turmeric infusion for the first time (I used it straight at trace in the past but did not like it) and also a ground bay leaves infusion. I do have a large bay laurel tree in my garden, so I thought I would try something 'alleppo inspired.'
Thanks for sharing

Thanks so much for sharing! I recently used a chamomile infusion to make some soap for a new grandchild expected in March. It came out really nice but I don't think I let the herbs infuse into the oil long enough. I will leave it a few more hours next time.
Bumping this thread, here is a picture with some stamped and labeled soaps. Paprika is one of the sandalwoods (turmeric the other one) and I also used paprika mixed with beta carotene for the soap on the top right corner (pumpkin pie).

IMG_0062 by rosetalleo, on Flickr
They're all wonderful !

Is paprika the red sandalwood ? Is that a paprika infusion ? How'd you make it that red ? When I infused paprika, the oil was just slightly reddish-orange.

Also, what is the pink one (third on top row).
Fragola said:
They're all wonderful !

Is paprika the red sandalwood ? Is that a paprika infusion ? How'd you make it that red ? When I infused paprika, the oil was just slightly reddish-orange.

Also, what is the pink one (third on top row).

Thank you! Yes, paprika is the red sandalwood. That was 31% of my oils as infused paprika.

All my infusions are standard 1/2 cup (4 oz) ground spice or herb or root per quart of oil. I always use this amount so it is reproducible. I just use more of the infusion if the color is not strong, or the scent is subtle. I use quart mason jars on a baking stone in a 200F oven for 4-6 hours. I have also done it with a boiling water bath but the oven method is less fussy. I think that sandalwood soap was too red, you will get a beautiful peach color with about only 5% infused paprika oil. I'll post more pictures in a few days (after I stamp and label the soaps, they are almost cured). I also have one which is a mix of paprika and alkanet, pretty nice redish purple.

The brown sandalwood got this way with about 20% infused turmeric. I might try turmeric one more time, but using maybe 2 or 2.5% of the infused oil. It is weird, since it looks a lovely pale shade of yellow in the oil, then morphs to brown with the lye. Or maybe i used way too much?

By the way, both sandalwood batches sold out and my next batch is a ligher version of the pumpkin pie color, a blend of anatto and paprika, but only using 5% of each.

The rose is madder root, about 25% infusion. It is beautiful, but it takes a lot to get a very light rose, so it is not very cost effective. Maybe someone here knows of a better (cheaper) supplier for madder root? I am thinking about growing it, but it takes two years to harvest the roots. Isn't a nice color though?
Here is another picture showing all these colors together. The mardi gras soaps (green purple and gold) will be ready Jan 6, epiphany or first day of carnaval (mardi gras).

The soap on top has some of the 31% infused paprika as inserts. You can see how bright it got! The lather is white though, good thing.

IMG_0064 by rosetalleo, on Flickr
green soap- Thanks for all the valuable information contained in this thread. I'm very intrigued with using the herbal infusions to color the soap. You've been very generous with your time and knowledge.
It is weird, since it looks a lovely pale shade of yellow in the oil, then morphs to brown with the lye. Or maybe i used way too much?

Turmeric is pH sensitive, it gets reddish with high pH. It's also light sensitive,
it discolors. There's also the choice to use more, not less :)
I love your soaps!

What is the background for the lavender marti gras soap? Madder root? It is gorgeous!
fiddletree said:
I love your soaps!

What is the background for the lavender marti gras soap? Madder root? It is gorgeous!

Thank you. Alkanet root infusion and madder root infusion, about 4% and 30% respectively, but your milage may vary....depending on the base colors of you soaps, the strength of your infusion and so on.
kharmon320 said:
green soap- Thanks for all the valuable information contained in this thread. I'm very intrigued with using the herbal infusions to color the soap. You've been very generous with your time and knowledge.

You are welcome! others have contributed to this thread too. I tried anatto after reading about it here and I am very happy with it.

Has anyone tried Green Tea Macha? My mom used in one of her soaps once and it hada gorgeous green that is still present ( i still have some soap scraps from the bar she gave me) and it was made about 2 years ago.

I need to get some Macha. :D
Re: Macha

TheSoapSmith said:
Has anyone tried Green Tea Macha? My mom used in one of her soaps once and it hada gorgeous green that is still present ( i still have some soap scraps from the bar she gave me) and it was made about 2 years ago.

I need to get some Macha. :D

Once I added the contents of a packet meant to be one serving of powdered instant green tea. As I did not think the soap batter was green enough, I also added chlorophyll. I have posted here about chlorophyll accelerating rancidity in soap (DOS). My green tea and chlorophyll soap went bad before i had a chance to observe how effective as a colorant the green tea was.

If i was going to do this again I would add two such packets into a 2 lb batch of soap. Let us know what you find out!
I wasn't talking about useing the packets. I got the macha for my mom when my husband and I went to japan to visit. You can get it at tea stores it is basically just a powdered green tea. She also didn't add any chloryphyll.

I was wanting to make it too but have not gone and bought any macha yet.

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