help with percentages please?

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Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score
New Mexico
Okay, so having a hard time figuring out percentages still. I posted a question similar on another forum....and well, seemed I kinda frustrated some of the responders for asking something that apparently is easy enough to figure out.....buuuut I am still having a hard time. I have trouble with math, even with a calculator I sometimes don't know in which order to plug in numbers and if I should divide or multiply. I know this is rudimentary math, and I'm sorry but I need help with it. I will get it down eventually.
Okay, so here's my question. I'm making a homemade deodorant cream with shea butter, coconut oil and baking soda. Normally, I'd been using sweet orange EO, but I'd like to use ylang ylang EO. After reading around, I found out about IFRA certificates and that these are what I should refer to when using EO. The certificate I found for ylang ylang states 0.06% for any type of deodorant. I'm going to be making 5 oz of product. How do I calculate and measure 0.06% of 5 oz so I am using the correct amount? Thank you so much for any input!
Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong!

Your end result amount is so small that I don't know how you would weigh it.

To convert 0.06% to a decimal, divide it by 100 which equals 0.0006.

5 (ounces) X 0.0006 = 0.003 ounces of fragrance oil

0.003 ounces X 28.349 (grams in an ounce) = 0.085 grams of fragrance oil

0.085 grams X 1000 = 85 milligrams

Somebody please check my math. It's late, I'm tired!

Good luck with your deodorant!
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I'm not good @ math either,my sister got the smarts in our family,she is going to be a math teacher lol. But I just wanna say I love this forum & I feel they really Help & do not put others down for simply just asking questions that may be easy for them and not for others. We all start out somewhere and you have to ask questions or your never know.Good luck on your deodorant & If Sammi did her Math right ;) and it is 2 small to even weigh id just make bigger batches right.??
As Brandicas said make bigger batches to work out percentages. I've made test batches with small amounts and it gets too hard to measure such small quantities. Don't be afraid to ask, you won't learn otherwise.
Sammi's final number is correct. you would change your scale to grams and measure out .08g of EO, but it's such a small measure. If your scale doesn't measure to two decimal places, you might measure out to .1 gm and use 3/4 of it for your deoderant. In the end I think we're talking a couple or three drops. goo luck and please post your result!
Thanks so much everyone! I guess maybe it would just be easier to make a larger batch. I think because I am just starting out, I have a limited quantity of ingredients and I'm trying to make as many different things as a can with what I have. But, I'll be ordering more items soon anyway, so it couldn't hurt! Thanks again!
as brandicas said make bigger batches to work out percentages. I've made test batches with small amounts and it gets too hard to measure such small quantities. Don't be afraid to ask, you won't learn otherwise.

i 100% agree :)
A batch that is too small to measure accurately with the scale you have is not really testing your recipe. Make the batch big enough that your measurement errors are small compared to the batch size. Then you will be really learning something useful from your test batches, rather than just hoping the batch is formulated something close to the real recipe. Good luck and happy testing! :p
Usually what I do when making small quantities of products for personal use is to convert to drops when I am making things like deoderant. Once you calculate out what the amount you need is.. say the 5 ounce product you are making then do the product x IFRA amount (your case .06 %). Needing the .06% of EO you need .003 ounce. There are approximately 600 drops of EO in one ounce. This works out to 1.8 drops. For the first batch I would do 1 drop and work up to 2 for the next stick if there is no reaction (2 full drops equals .065%). This is what I do, as I personally can't see making large batches of things like deoderant when its just for me and I am using safe essential oils.

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