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Jan 19, 2021
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Pueblo west Colorado
Hi all ok I am mom to 5 and I want to make my own soap with a friend of mine. I am allergic to coconut oil (try finding anything already made without it!) But it looks like there is soooo much information I don't know where to start! Is there a website or book that would talk me through "making lye soap for dummies" that you all would suggest? So we can start getting our feet wet? Thank you all so much!
Hi all ok I am mom to 5 and I want to make my own soap with a friend of mine. I am allergic to coconut oil (try finding anything already made without it!) But it looks like there is soooo much information I don't know where to start! Is there a website or book that would talk me through "making lye soap for dummies" that you all would suggest? So we can start getting our feet wet? Thank you all so much!

I've heard lard is a good sub for coconut oil. Zany also has a 100% olive oil recipe.

I like a book format too, but if you want pretty basic info you can check out soaping 101 on YouTube. I got a good soapmaking book but like 99.9999% of the recipes call for coconut oil so it wouldn't be a good match for you.

If you don't want to do anything super fancy pants and just want a coconut oil free bar, you should check out @Zany_in_CO no slime castile. Its 100% olive oil.
Ditto to @rdc1978's recommendation for Soaping 101. I watched those a lot when I started. Also,

Just jump in! I know that there is so much information out there. Even on this forum there are wide-ranging opinions on so many particulars. But once you get a few recipes under your belt, you'll gain confidence and knowledge about what works for you and your family. My homemade soap made such a big difference to me and my family's skin, you won't regret it! Note of caution: I don't know how old your kiddos are but I had to work to keep my squirrelly teenagers away from the cooling lye solution -- it's not a child friendly craft. Keep us posted!!
Welcome! Lard is actually a good substitute for palm oil (and it makes wonderful soap). Babassu is the typical replacement for coconut oil, but they come from closely related plants, so you may not want to use babassu due to potential for cross-reactivity.

Totally agree with Zing and rdc that the SoapQueen and Soaping 101 videos can be a great way to get started. The thing they do that I don't like is mixing the soap in a glass container. Even Pyrex is eventually etched by the lye and can shatter. Or it can be dropped, and then shatter. It's much better to use an inexpensive plastic container with the #2 recycling mark on it, or a genuine stainless steel cooking pot (no other metals, only SS).
Palm kernel oil is a substitute for coconut oil. It can make your batter move more quickly, so using it with lard or olive oil in your recipe will help with that. Keep your first batch simple. Good luck and have fun! It's great that you have a friend to do this with.
Ditto to @rdc1978's recommendation for Soaping 101. I watched those a lot when I started. Also,

Just jump in! I know that there is so much information out there. Even on this forum there are wide-ranging opinions on so many particulars. But once you get a few recipes under your belt, you'll gain confidence and knowledge about what works for you and your family. My homemade soap made such a big difference to me and my family's skin, you won't regret it! Note of caution: I don't know how old your kiddos are but I had to work to keep my squirrelly teenagers away from the cooling lye solution -- it's not a child friendly craft. Keep us posted!!

Oh definitely! They are 10 and under they will NOT be awake when I make this, until they are older! Absolutely not!

Thank you sooo much everyone! I've got a good place to start now and off to the 2nd hand store for some plastic soap making things! And my husband is already ready to make my molds! Eeekkkk so excited and nervous but cant wait to stop buying soap that makes me itchy (store bought Irish spring 🤮)
@Mama2five If you are interested, I have wooden molds I no longer use and drawings to make more. I know where Pueblo West is! My dad built a home to retire in down there but my mom refused to move! LOL They went to Phoenix instead. I'm in Lone Tree, just off I-25 half-way between Denver and Colorado Springs. Come on up and see what other goodies I have!

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