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Jan 26, 2014
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Well I took the plunge last night...... Children In bed, cat fed, watered and asleep.
I had brought a little kit do cheated some what!
Almost everything was weighed out,
I only had to do the water ( which I did S if my life depended on it being right!)
Melted the oils in the microwave... Checked temp (slightly to warm, so I let it cool down)
When it was ready made the lye... Going well so far!
Added the two mixtures together and then time to mix -
And mix
And mix
2 hours later and it only looks like mid thick custard and no trace! :-(
I had to give in and go to bed. What did I do wrong?
This morning it is like thick cream. I've put it in the mould, will this mix be ok or would you get rid???
Sarah x
Sorry, forgot to say that I'm dyslexic and my phone likes to change my words sometimes...... Just look at anything I write a little puzzle :)
I do!
A lil more info would be good, such as yer recipe, what kit were you using, did you use SB?
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did you mix by hand or use a stick mixer? If by hand that could explain why it took so long. I would check it after a couple of days and see what you have. Just keep it covered and off where no one will bother it.
By hand. In the end I did use stick mixer for a short time (it woke my 12yr old up,) I've put it in the mould now..... Just wait and see! :-( ImageUploadedBySoap Making1390895876.194832.jpg
It looks ok..... If nothing else.
the kit did not tell you to use SB (stick blender/stick mixer). It should've. Mixing by hand can take a long time, esp for that size of batch (1 kg). i think it looks fine. give it some more time to harden up.
If it didn't trace..... Will the soap be harmful?
Sorry about silly questions but I'm new (very) and the books I have don't say.
if you said it looked like thick custard, most probably it did trace.
You did nothing wrong and it sounds like it was at trace when you went to bed. Any thickening at all is trace and I'm sure your soap will be fine. How much water did you use?
You should be fine. A stickblender really is handy when making soap to get to trace. It sounds like it was at trace when you put it in the mold. It looks lovely so far.
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It looks ok :)
Now to wait 3/4 weeks and see.
Where and how do you all store your soap..... Are there any NO's?
Your first looks very nice. Where to store? Ha! Shoe boxes are nice. There doesn't seem to ever be a shortage of them in our house. :roll:
And where are all those soap filled shoe boxes? Read on!
Under the beds.
In the closet.
On bookshelves.
On the hearth.
Under the couch.
In the linen closet.
In the laundry room.
In the garage.
I'm casting a hard eye toward the utility shed.
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