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Those look really nice! I bet they smell good too. I can't believe you mixed that by hand - your arm must have been sore!
I store my little batches of soap on a shelf in the den, and every day I check on them every day until they are ready - your mileage may vary :p
Yes, dampness. During a reorganization, some of my soap ended up in the basement, some in a closet and some in an attic. The basement soap had DOS (dreaded orange spots, rancidity), was sticky and smelled kind of weird/funky. The closet soap and the attic soap was fine.

Both air conditioning and heating systems remove moisture from the air, so you want to store your soap inside. When the soap has cured some, you could box it up (I like to use old shoe boxes) but you still don't want to put it in the basement.

Also, dogs and cats think homemade soap is super yummy, so if you have pets, make sure it's out of reach!
I'm in the uk, so no basement or air conditioning (that would just be wishful thinking )
Top of my cupboards it will be, that way the cat and children can't get to it!
My strong arms come from carrying my twins around...... Think if me as a cuddly short Popeye!
I too cure mine on a wire racks lined with needlepoint plastic so they don't touch the metal. And when I'm out of room on my two 8 shelf racks I put them in empty raspberry boxes I get from my local Costco. They stack so take up little space.
Just out of curiosity I ran the recipe from the label through soapcalc to see how it panned out. With those oils the recipe is at 5.5% superfat and the water was 25% of the oils, lower than I personally use but not an issue so far as I am concerned. Without getting into splitting hairs on numbers it looks good and should be a really nice soap.

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