Help! can I sub anything for palm oil?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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Measuring out my oils for a 4 lb batch. Got everything started. Need 6.4 0z of palm. I realize I only have 4.1 oz of it. Is there anything I can use to make up the 2.3 oz. Don't want to wait for a trip to the store, I finally have the kids out of the house. Arg!!! so frustrating.
Palm oil has a SAP value of .142 and Lard has a SAP of .141

If you've already mixed the lye, you can easily just swap some of the palm for lard without having to worry about too much or too little lye. The numbers are so close you don't have to run it through a lye calculator...though these are the only oils I would recommend this for.

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