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Sep 22, 2016
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Well Hello Everyone,

My name is Ken and I’m stationed in Virginia, USA. A little about me, then how I got the soaping bug. I have been in the US Navy for 20+ years now. Started as a Nuclear Engineer, then a Steam Engineer, and for the last 14 years I have been a Gas Turbine Engine (Jet Engine on a ship) Mechanic. My time has endured 7 deployments ranging between 7 to 10.5 months and has seen me all around the world a couple of times. Along the way I met the love of my life Danielle and I have two wonderful daughters Krysta (17) and Kayla (15).

Two months ago after watching a youtube video I had decided that I would make some bath bombs for my anniversary. When looking online for Essential Oils I went to Essential Depot which I use for some of the other things I make. While looking around their site just out of curiosity I clicked the soap making tab and they had a video, which led to another, and another, and the hook was set. In the couple of months I have lingered around here, watched hours of youtube videos and read several books to include "The everything soapmaking book" by Alicia Grossso, "Soap Crafting" by Anne-Marie Faiola, and "The Soapmaker's Companion" by Susan Miller Cavitch. So far I have only made two 4 pound batches of Oatmeal, Milk and Honey soap, but more will follow soon. Someday, probably 3 years or so from now, I think I would like to own a business making and selling soaps / bath and body products, when and if I ever get there I think I want to call the business... Wanderlust Soaps.

My wife likes to say when I start a new hobby I go full Nerd cause I do a ton of research, read everything and watch so many youtube videos. I also love MS Excel and although I like soapcalc it’s a PITA to save recipes, so after looking at the three versions of soapsheet.xls and noticing it had not been updated since 2005 I spent two weeks modifying it and think I have it about done, just need to rewrite the FAQ / directions, if anyone wants it PM me and I will email it, eventually I will get it hosted and put a link here somewhere, I just want to test it more and make sure there are no little mistakes (testers welcome, feedback appreciated). Here is a screenshot. And with that my introduction is over. Thank you for having me and for all the great info I have found on the site already.

Hey and welcome!

Try Soapee.com...

Hi Susie, Thank you for pointing that site out, I had forgotten to bookmark it and then of course forgot about it. I do like that calculator, but I wanted something that was offline, and I wanted some other key features, add to this my mild form of OCD and I went with the excel version. I keep testing my recipe calculations against a couple of the online ones and so far they continue to match so I think I have all the formulas correct (not that I had to change them they were present in other versions of the sheet, I just had to update for where I moved columns and such). Features that I wanted and added to the soapsheet are things like an oil comparison sheet, a conversion from % oils to weight, and I kept the functionality of the scale sheet and autoscale sheet based on mold dimensions. I also added things like hardness, bubbly, conditioning etc as well as some notes I found online for various oils / fats. If you look close at the bottom of my picture you can see all the sheets that are in this version. Again thank you for the advice and I will use it to help proof my version of the soapsheet.

First, thank you for your service.

Welcome to the forum. My dad was a Navy pilot, and remained in the Reserve until he retired. I was actually born when he was stationed in Norfolk. My husband was also in the Navy, serving 4 years.

You will find a wealth of information here, and wonderful, generous people willing to share what they know.
Dibbles, Thank you for the warm welcome and your support of our Armed Forces. I am currently stationed in Norfolk, spent the majority of my career here but looking forward to retiring soonish maybe at 22 or so. Thank everyone else that has already given me such a wonderful welcome, I am glad to be here and hope to contribute back to all the people that I have already learned so much from.