"HELLO" from Wisconsin

Soapmaking Forum

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Mar 20, 2013
Reaction score
SE Wisconsin
Good morning everyone!
I've been making CP soaps and other B&B products for many years now but never ventured into Liquid Soap Making. So now this is my next project to master if I can? I've only been researching the internet so far because I'm waiting (impatiently) for my book I ordered by Catherine Failor. If I come up with any dumb questions, please forgive me because I'm a newbie at this:lolno:
Welcome to the forum. :D

I'm in Wisconsin as well. How are you liking this Spring weather? LOL
Genny - that's cruel! We were at 9* this morning when I took the kids to school. Blech...

Hello from another Wisconsinite.
Good morning girls :) Some spring weather we're having, right!! This morning it was 14* when I got up! We live in the SE section of Wisconsin where it's warm :crazy: (I wish).............. right by the Illinois border.
Sounds like you girls have the same weather as we do here in NY. I live in the Finger Lakes and it looks like nuclear winter. My chickens are so confused.
Welcome to the forum! We have snow flurries on this first day of spring in western pa. I so can't wait for warmer weather.
Welcome to the forum! People here are very helpful and they have answered all my dumb questions :)