Hello from Ohio

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Jan 2, 2014
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Hi everyone!

My name is Jacque. I raise and show Nubian dairy goats and I am wanting to try my hand at soap making. I attempted my first batch of soap a couple of months ago. It didn't turn out and I guess I shouldn't have tried a liquid soap recipe as my first! I'm here to read, ask lots of questions and learn as much as possible. I've read a couple of books and I think I have prepared myself to try again, but this time with a cold process recipe. I think I'll stick with bar soap recipes until I have that down a little better before I try liquid again.

Well..... I'm off to post some of my many questions!
Hi Jacque , welcome to the forum and to soap making. There is a ton of information here and lots of very helpful people.
Welcome! I think that Wholesale Supplies Plus is location in OH. You can pick up your supplies and save the shipping, since their minimum amount went from $30 to $40. Sorry, got off topic a little. You will love it here. Lots of wonderful information and very helpful folks. Let us know how your second batch turns out. Remember KISS for your next batch. Baby steps will save you a lot of $.
Thank you all!

lpstephy85, I'm in NW Ohio. How about you?

roseb, I seen Wholesale Supplies Plus was in Ohio. I looked it up and it would be a 2 1/2 hour drive one way. I don't have many good pictures on my laptop, but here is one of some of the 2013 kids. The one kid with the most white standing just to the left of the bucket holder is one of triplets. The other four are quads.

Aww they are so cute! I am near Akron and work 10 minutes from WSP and love taking advantage of the pick up option to save some $$. Natures Garden isn't too far either, about 45 minutes. Road trip excuses are always fun!
OMG!!! They are so cute!! I would love to have goats. But being that I live in the city, I don't think my neighbors would look to kindly on it. You are so lucky!
Welcome. There are a lot of knowledgeable people here. There's also a lot of crazy, funny, soap addicts here. Proceed with caution!
Welcome!! You will find a plethora of information here as well as some really great folks. Your goats are adorable. I too live in the city and can't have them but I keep trying to get my parents to get some goats as they have 47 acres but they aren't buying it. So I'll just have to keep using store bought...so disappointing.
I love goats also. They're so cute and are comical. I can't have any :-( but I have a friend who gives me fresh milk. Yeah!

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