Hello from Calgary, AB

Soapmaking Forum

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May 4, 2009
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Hi everyone, just wanted to drop a line and introduce myself. I have not yet started to make soap, just studying up on it at the moment (especially the lye part!) and looking for some easy recipes and step by step guides to get me started. It's nice to find a friendly place in cyberspace!

The reasons I want to make my own soap are many. Mostly because I would like to find a natural way to take care of my sensitive skin, after starting to read the ingredients of storebought soaps and body washes and finding out exactly what those things are. Engine degreaser? Please!
I'm also intersested in it from an environmental perspective (less packaging, etc.) and also as a creative outlet. I can't wait to start making my own recipes!

Anyway, this seems to be a great place full of useful information, I'll be coming here lots!
Hi , welcome to the forum , there are lots of very friendly and helpful soap makers here. Once you use the lye the first time , you realize that as long as you protect yourself properly , it is okay. Been there myself :D
Hey there Candyrage from a former Calgarian! Out on the west coast now.

Welcome to our addiction - when you're ready to start making your soap you will never look back. You'll find that the online stores are WAY cheaper than the one soaping store in town and you'll save enough on your orders (depending on size of order) to buy on-line.

Looking forward to getting to know you.


I agree with Kitn. Once I got over my and my husband's fear of me using lye, (I'm just a bit clutzy! ) everything was fine. As long as you take precautions you'll do great! :)

Remember - lots of pictures!

Oh, there will be pictures. I have a feeling once I have my first successful batch, I will show pictures of it to anyone who wants to see, or doesn't. Much like certain new mothers that I work with *L*.

I just discovered that my kitchen scale is broken so I have to wait until next payday so I can buy a new one. Finding lye has proven to be a bit of a challenge as well but I called Home Hardware yeterday and they carry some. Just have to make sure it's the 100% stuff though, the bottle doesn't look like anything I have seen.

Thanks for being so encouraging!

Candyrage - I buy all my lye from Home Hardware and love it! I prefer it over other types I have bought.

Good to know Lindy, thanks. I also found a soap making supply store here in calgary that do both wholesale and smaller amounts of oils, bouuter, eo's and stuff. I'm excited to get started!
Hey Candyrage - yup there is a store in Calgary - they are however way, way expensive. For comparison sake check out the following suppliers for pricing - Voyageur takes 5% of your order and applies it to your shipping which saves you big-time!


There are a lot of other Canadian Suppliers as well but these two are the ones closest to you (Vancouver) and their pricing even with shipping are significantly less the Calgary Store.

My sister still lives in Calgary and is getting into soap making too and she's ordering from Voyageur becasue of the price differences.
