To search for specific things on the forum, it helps tremendously to use SMF's 'Advanced Search' feature. From there, you can narrow down your search parameters to make it easier to find specific things.
The "Advance Search' feature can be accessed by going up to the top right section of any page in any section of the forum and clicking on the brown 'Search This Forum" icon. Once you do that, a drop-down box will appear.
Don't type anything in the search bar that drops down. Instead, move your cursor to the lower left hand corner of the box where it says "Advance Search" in blue lettering. Click on it. When you do so, you will be taken to the Advance Search page, which has all kinds of search tools on it to help you be able to narrow down your search parameters.
For example- let's say you want to find threads that discuss the problem of 'ricing'. Once you reach the Advanced Search page, type "ricing' in the Search by Keyword box located in the upper left side of the page.
Next, move your cursor slightly downward to the drop-down box situated directly below the Search by Keyword box and click on it, then click on 'Search Titles Only'.
Next, move your cursor over to the large Search In Forums box on the right side of the page and click on 'Search All Open Forums" (hint: you'll get more return hits by clicking on that instead of clicking on the Beginners section or the Lye-based section).
Lastly, go down to the center bottom of the page and click 'Search Now'. When you do that, 2 pages worth of threads having everything to do with ricing will pop up.
The above my favorite way to quickly search for specific things on the forum.