Having fun experimenting... Cinnamon vanilla chai, avacado and Reece's!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Sunny California
I'm on my phone doing 3 posts.
1st is avocado with fresh avo and mint and basil scent. Went very translucent with gel and I don't care for the look or smell. Haha! Call this one a fail unless it changes.

Made also with 1/3 of water sub'd for van high high fat Greek yogurt

Working on orange juice recipe for tomorrow. :)

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This ones in the oven.. Reese's for my hubby. It's his absolute favorite treat.
Made with peanut butter and chocolate, inside also.
My whole house smells like PB. Yum!

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Just smelled it again.. It's better. Cleaner. Was almost a wierd chemical smell when cut. Husband liked but I didn't. There is hope though.
Can't smell avo. Not sure you would though since its such a light natural smell and I only added 1/2 of one puréed.
Not sure what others do but didn't want too much extra fats.
I wonder what make it smell chemical-y. Its like the blue/purple bars I did the other day, they reeked when first cut but its getting better. The FO did change though and I'll never use it in soap again, it just smells weird.
Idk.. It was a wierd sour like smell. Just recall it was yuk but husband didn't think bad.. Just said he smelled mint. I can now smell the mint and basil so better. Color is still wierd.
Pic doesn't show the translucent real well.. Looks more creamy.
I like all of them Jennee! Can't wait to see the cut Reese's soap. On the avo soap what FO did you use? Is the off-smell the FO or do you think the fresh avo caused it?
I quite like the look of the avocado one, tbh. I prefer the gelled look and think they turned out beautifully. Give them time to cure and I'll bet with the added avocado it will turn out to be lovely soap. I just made a vanilla chai myself (still in the mold). I've been experimenting with hanger swirls and such so hopefully they turned out well enough to post. ;)
Looking forward to seeing the cut Reeses Pieces.
I like them both, they are so very pretty. I use a whole pureed avocado in my avocado angel soap, the scent never comes through but with cream in the soap too, it sure is a nice soap on the skin.
They are beautiful jennee ....... I have been wondering about using peanut butter as one of the oils in soap for awhile :) Is that what you did with the Peanut Butter cup soap which I can't wait to see cut? I have about 20 jars of peanut butter left over from our church thrift store which will expire before I could possibly eat it all :( Does anyone know of a recipe?
Thank you. :) the avacado I really want to try.. It does look very rich even if its not all that pretty to me.

Here is the cut bars. Trinity I got your message and will reply once my 4 kids go to be in about and hour. :)

Nice hanger swirl! my fav is the chai though, i think because of hte texture he coffee grounds add. The Reese does look like a peanut butter cup in reverse though!
Thank you. :) the avacado I really want to try.. It does look very rich even if its not all that pretty to me.

Here is the cut bars. Trinity I got your message and will reply once my 4 kids go to be in about and hour. :)

I love how they look. Nice job.