Has anyone used Jasmine Sambac Absolute in CP

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
I am just entering my invoices in Soapmaker (YAWN!!!) and came across my Jasmine EO, which I paid a whopping $42.31 CAD, which is like 5 bucks American, for 5 ml's of the stuff.
I don't know what I was thinking, but anyhoo, I have the stuff and at that price I am hesitant to mis-use it. And with only 5 ml's there is not much room for experimentation.
Does anyone know how much I need to use in let's a say a 7 pound batch.
I do plan on using it as a base for another EO, have to do a little aromatherapy research first to determine what fragrances blend.
I just don't want to pour the whole bottle, all 5 ml's of it, in and either get wayyyy too much scent or no scent, either would be a shame for such a nice aroma.
i'm not sure how much would come through in 7lb batch of cp, but have you considered using it in a whipped shea butter or lotion bars. you would probably get more bang for your buck that way.
Yeah, that's my worry. I might use it in a HP batch or in transparent when I figure that process . Haven't dabbled much in the cosmetic side of things, just trying to perfect the soap thing first.
Personally, I wouldn't use an absolute in soap. They are far more concentrated than a EO, so in theory a tiny amount would work.

My suggestion would be to use a good quality Jasmine EO. I got my last 8 oz. bottle at Texas Naturals for around $90. When I run out I will get it from NDA - they have it 16 oz for around the same price.

In a 7lb batch scented at .7 ppo you would use about 4.9 oz, or 140 grams.

I love Jasmine blended with Blood Orange, Sweet Orange and Chamomile.
Hey, just reading a little deeper into the issue, they are proclaiming jasmine sambac 3%.
If I mixed the my absolute into a light carrier oil, sayyy, swwet almond wouldn't I pretty much get the same thing if I kept the percentages the same?