Has anyone done a 'this is me' post?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2013
Reaction score
Sunny California
I thought about this a while back and not sure if I ever posted or not.. but on a few other forums we like to do a 'this is me' (post a pic of ourselves) every so often to put a face to a name. Anyone interested? Anyone too shy or just rather not for another reason? Figure I'll start one if there is interest in it.. so many regulars on here and would be nice to put a face to posts. Only a few on here have pictures like Graceworks and I think Dennis? that I can recall off hand.
I would love to see what yall look like but I'm totally unphotogenic. I'm not "ugly" but I can't take a good pic for the life of me. I can't wait to see what everybody looks like so I can put a face to your names :) If I can take a decent pic, I'm down as well so I will try lol.

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