Handade Soap Business - How do you make your product safe???

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New Member
Jun 6, 2011
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Hi guys

Im from the UK so would be really grateful if there are any business owners or professionals that can shed some light on a few of my queries.

Currently I am working on a new business venture to make and produce handmade soap and sell on my website. I know that all of the products must be safe to sell on to the consumer and have been looking around for a cosmetic chemist to do this but haven't had any luck.

There are a couple of companies I have seen on the internet which I'm not too sure whether I should trust or not. Basically they are manufacturers who sell the raw ingredients to you as well as you having the flexibility to buy the 'safety assessment packages' they will also have the product tested for you with their own cosmetic chemist. The big downside to this is then your sort of stuck with one supplier - not great when they hike up the prices but it also got me thinking whether this is a safe option or not???

Any help would be really appreciated. How and what route am I supposed to take?

You do need your safety assessment and HERE is someone who is very well respected and works really hard with his clients to make sure they are covered. He also doesn't expect to have to reassess all your products after the 2013 regulations change....

There are quite a few companies out there, I think its snowdriftfarms maybe that sells a kit for testing soaps... i could be wrong?
Ian I know they have a testing kit for lotions and creams, but I haven't seen one for soaps...

In the UK they are required to have all they products put through a chemist for the safety assessment before they start to sell. The assessment is a one-time thing, or it's supposed to be - some SA's charge an annual renewal fee so you need to be careful of who you are using. The only time they need to go back in for assessment is if you change ingredients. All products are actually tested over a period of time.

The UK has a lot more hoops to go through than pretty much anywhere else and they have new legislature hitting them in 2013. I'm grateful for the ease that we have here even though we have to register our recipes with the government here.

Oh yeah - I have the testing set that Snowdrift sells - love it!