I just don't understand why people who are AT HOME (not when you're out and about, obviously) are hung up on unsing hand sanitizer. Use the soap! Even the CDC has said that soap and water work better than hand sanitizer.
Many of us who are at home still need to go out now and then and may not have access to soap and water. Or we have loved ones who need to be out and about and we want to do all we can to keep them safe. That said, yes, soap and water when you can and as soon as you walk in the door.I just don't understand why people who are AT HOME (not when you're out and about, obviously) are hung up on unsing hand sanitizer. Use the soap! Even the CDC has said that soap and water work better than hand sanitizer.
Many of us who are at home still need to go out now and then and may not have access to soap and water. Or we have loved ones who need to be out and about and we want to do all we can to keep them safe. That said, yes, soap and water when you can and as soon as you walk in the door.
(not when you're out and about, obviously)
Many of us who are at home still need to go out now and then and may not have access to soap and water. Or we have loved ones who need to be out and about and we want to do all we can to keep them safe. That said, yes, soap and water when you can and as soon as you walk in the door.
I can't find the reference now but seem to recall that it's also not good if it's more than 80% alcohol -- so I wouldn't make it 90%. I don't remember the reason just that it is not effective then either.The initial research I saw said sanitizer made w 60% alcohol was effective but I noticed all the sanitizer in brand names at work, in my purse and car ,...were all 70%
Later research I read said 70% alcohol
If I were to make it I might add a few drops of white thyme EO for it’s properties in the 30% weight
A question to those who tried 90% - was it drying over time (my dumb question)
What did you use to add softening properties ?
Last thought - (most of you already know this as this is a sophisticated crowd ) but the literature in past indicated that Aloe Vera should be avoided by those w history of skin cancer
The initial research I saw said sanitizer made w 60% alcohol was effective but I noticed all the sanitizer in brand names at work, in my purse and car ,...were all 70%
Later research I read said 70% alcohol
If I were to make it I might add a few drops of white thyme EO for it’s properties in the 30% weight
A question to those who tried 90% - was it drying over time (my dumb question)
What did you use to add softening properties ?
Last thought - (most of you already know this as this is a sophisticated crowd ) but the literature in past indicated that Aloe Vera should be avoided by those w history of skin cancer
Sighhhh i can find aloe gel but no way no how is there any rubbing alcohol around. And our liquor stores no linger carry everclear.
i find it ironic that they want us to sanitize but there arent any products available to use.