Halloween costume? Plans?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2006
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Are you going to wear one? What are your Hallowen plans if any?

We always put ona free haunted house for the town. We had approx 500 people through it last year. It's not bloody, none of that. It's aimed at children so there are bats & spiders & mummies & such. My kids have a blast putting it on.
Sarah (my DD) told me last night she wanted her and THE BOY to go as a Magician and a Bunny. He agreed, if he could be the Bunny :lol:

I love the Halloweed is on Saturday, we don't have any plans yet, but probably will rent scary movies and relax that night.

I suppose I should consider a costume for the Market. Would you buy soap from an Ax Murderer? Would you?
Deda said:
Sarah (my DD) told me last night she wanted her and THE BOY to go as a Magician and a Bunny. He agreed, if he could be the Bunny :lol:

I love the Halloweed is on Saturday, we don't have any plans yet, but probably will rent scary movies and relax that night.

I suppose I should consider a costume for the Market. Would you buy soap from an Ax Murderer? Would you?

Of course I would!!
I have to work from 10-5 at the library during the day. I will be dressed as Dora the Explorer (more like Dora the Explorer's mother!). I hope we get lots of little ones in that day or I will just look like a nut in orange shorts!

We had Halloween parties for 15 years until my kids decided that was enough. :( Someday, I will have to have one for the grownups.

500 people is amazing, Tabitha!

I will be just getting back from a cruise that afternoon, so I won't be dressing up....but I think the Puggins will be Little Miss Muffet, and the Spider That Sat Down Beside Her! Here is a picture....


I take them Trick Or Treating with my niece and nephews, they get a kick out of it!
:evil: Well, last week I painted the kitty room floor black. We had some folks over and likely one of the kids shut the kitty room door. We went out for about 2 hours, and when we came back, Ramses was covered in black paint. Had to rub turpentine all over him and shower him afterwards...
Does that count as an early halloween dress up?

We don't celebrate Halloween over here; but we know of a tiny village just over the German border that does. So we're probably going there.
I used to be a goth (hihi please don't tell anyone :p) so I'll have plenty of dress up choices :lol: My husband looks like Uncle Fester after 3 beers, so he won't need anything but his long raincoat.
Halloween isn't as big over here as it is over there...yet.
My kids love dressing up for any occassion so I always let them dress up for Halloween, and we do the front of the house up as well.
We have big iron gates that lead into our drive, so we tie plastic skeletons and axes and spiders and purple and orange balloons onto the front and then we squeeze tomato sauce onto all of it. Every year Kaleb dresses up as a vampire, he absolutely loves them. Charlotte might be a little cat or something.
Lots of the kids around here get dressed up, it's lots of fun!
When we were little in Scotland we never used to call it Halloween, although we knew that it was it was Guising! It was all about getting dressed up, and hardly anybody ever went as a witch or something spooky, and all our costumes were all hand made, great times!
Will I be getting dressed up myself this year while going out with our daughter, probably, we have for the last few years, witch, hag, vampira, yes I used to be a goth too!

Edited because as usual I can't spell!