Grocery Store Soap Challenge Photo Thread

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2021
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North Carolina
Hey Soap Heads! I made my grocery store soap yesterday and removed it from the mold today. I’m rather pleased for my 3rd batch of soap. Here’s what I did...

I used lard, coconut oil, sunflower and canola for my oils. I made a 1lb batch and used a Lay’s Stax container for my mold. For color I added 3/4 teaspoon of paprika to my warm oils and stick blended before adding my lye solution. I soaped at a higher temperature because on my second batch I had difficulty getting a small 1lb batch to fully gel in such a slim and tall mold. I almost achieved full gel, but you’ll see in the photos that the outer 16th inch appears a different color. I THINK that’s because it didn’t fully gel, but please let me know if there’s another reason the edges of my soap look different from the interior. I didn’t scent this batch because I wanted to see what the soap smells like without fragrance. I really tried to focus on cultivating a fatty acid profile that’s balanced. I’ve been studying hard and I wanted to put my efforts to the test. I included my fatty acid profile in my photos. I’m SO looking forward to seeing your grocery store soap photos!! 🤗


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I chose this mold to make Kitchen Soap with Coffee and powdered grounds… known for eliminating the stink from chopping garlic, onion, handling fish, etc.

I cut the top off and covered the sides & bottom in duct tape to reinforce it all around.

It’s been a loooong time since I have had to line a mold. I found this wonderful tutorial on YouTube.

Lined Mold.jpg

I had to practice a bit. It worked great. I used waxed paper. TA-DAH!

I chose this recipe:

I subbed lard for the palm and added 5% MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) Oil at 5% SF:
MCT SF & FO.jpg

I added a fragrance blend I had on hand to the MCT oil and let set before adding them to the warmed oils before adding the lye solution.


Basic Trinity of Oils: Kirkland Olive Oil, Virgin Coconut Oil, Manteca Lard.
Other additives: Instant Espresso Powder and powdered coffee grounds for a bit of scrubbiness. All nestled around my soaping box, NaOH, scale, alcohol spray.

Made the NaOH solution. Added 3 packets of Instant Espresso:

Combined the oils. Added 3 packets of Instant Espresso:
Oils Espresso.jpg

Warmed oils. Added MCT Oil & fragrance. Stick Blended for 1 full minute.

Combine when lye solution and oils were 120°F - 135°F. The batter looked good enough to eat!

Brought to emulsion stage and poured. Put it to bed, wrapped snug as a bug in a rug, in an old lap blanket, in the Laundry Room. Left overnight.


The batch was 1" short of the top of the mold! ACK! Set it on the scale to determine the weight of the batch.

Unmolded the loaf. It was only 2" high when I was expecting 3"!

2 loaf.jpg

Back to the Drawing Board. I had miscalculated the size of the mold. I measured the mold again and got the correct numbers. My first batch contained 30 oz. oils. I went to SBM Calculator and Batch Resizer to figure out how much oil I needed to make a batch to add to the first batch. I entered the 30 oz batch numbers. Calculated that. Then entered the new measurements to get the amount of oils needed to fill the mold. I subtracted the old numbers from the new numbers to get the amount of each oil to make up the difference.


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I grated up the soap from the first batch, put into a Stainless Steel Pot, covered it and stuck it in a preheated 250°F oven for an hour. NOTE: I did not add any additional liquid at all. I followed the method shown here:

The mold survived the first go round. All I had to do was re-line it. This time with parchment paper which performed much better than wax paper. By the time I relined the mold and made the second batch of soap using coffee for the lye solution, the soap in the oven was molten.

I added new to the old, hand stirred, put it back in the oven to warm it a bit to make it easier to stir and once again poured in to the mold. It filled the mold perfectly with just 1/4" head room. Put it to bed overnight. Unmolded the next morning. Cut the next day (today).

6 bars, 5.5 oz. each; 6 bars (cut in half) 3 oz. each; 6 little 1.5 oz. bars for samples.
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Oops, I just realised after Zany's comment that I put mine in the wrong place too!

Let me throw in the glamour shot at least ;)
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Rustic/pastel-ish colors are a favorite of mine. That soap is GORGEOUS and I’m grateful that you taught me how to replicate it 🤗 Very generous, thank you Tara!
You’re right!! It looks absolutely delicious 😄 I hope you had as much fun making it as I did reading and learning from it!!! 🤗 Thank you @Zany_in_CO
I have to thank you again for The Grocery Store Soap Challenge! It has been such a nostalgic trip for me -- taking me back to 2003/4 when I was a Noob stalking the grocery aisles, wide-eyed and alert for potential molds and ingredients to make the most wonderful bar of soap.
FUN! FUN! FUN! :nodding:
Hey Soap Heads! I made my grocery store soap yesterday and removed it from the mold today. I’m rather pleased for my 3rd batch of soap. Here’s what I did...

I used lard, coconut oil, sunflower and canola for my oils. I made a 1lb batch and used a Lay’s Stax container for my mold. For color I added 3/4 teaspoon of paprika to my warm oils and stick blended before adding my lye solution. I soaped at a higher temperature because on my second batch I had difficulty getting a small 1lb batch to fully gel in such a slim and tall mold. I almost achieved full gel, but you’ll see in the photos that the outer 16th inch appears a different color. I THINK that’s because it didn’t fully gel, but please let me know if there’s another reason the edges of my soap look different from the interior. I didn’t scent this batch because I wanted to see what the soap smells like without fragrance. I really tried to focus on cultivating a fatty acid profile that’s balanced. I’ve been studying hard and I wanted to put my efforts to the test. I included my fatty acid profile in my photos. I’m SO looking forward to seeing your grocery store soap photos!! 🤗
hello how did the soap smell with no fragrance? thanks
Okie dokie - Mine might turn into a multi-post, but Spring is trying to spring and if I don't post something, forcing me to follow-up, I might not do this cool challenge at all! I decided to see what I could do 1. Remaining inside my Village 2. Not shopping the one chain store in the Village (Dollar General - I used to loathe the idea, but that place does come in handy) 3. Making decent soap for $1 or less per bar.
We have a small full-line grocery store but as is so often the case in the country, ice cream and alcohol item take up most of the floor space.

So, I couldn't believe it when I saw a tiny bottle of sunflower oil blend for only 0.99 cents. Wha?! Gimme! Grabbed some corn starch but couldn't find anything affordable for scent or color (paprika $5/ounce - yowza!). With the lye solution, I estimated 0.62 per 4oz pre-cure bar so I was a happy camper. Then, I remembered some fatback in the freezer section a few weeks ago, and to my glee it was still there and affordable! OH and I'll use either the sunflower oil or the corn starch container for my mold. Haaaaaaaaaaaa.
P.S. There were other liquid oils, crisco, and even a jar of coconut oil that were understandably expensive (e.g. 8oz crisco for $3). Combining them, I could make a bar for under $1, but not one I would like, so I didn't justify the spend.

First pic - the buy:
FullSizeRender (73).jpg
The Argo mold is pretty cool. I'm wondering why you bought porkfat? Was there no regular ole lard available? Or was "going cheap" the main priority? With just those two oils/fats, I think you'll have a really soft, low cleansing, low lather bar requiring a long cure. I'd go back and pick up that coconut oil if I were you. I'm just sayin' -- run it through a lye calc and see if you agree. ;)

Then head over to the Basic Trinity of Oils starter formula with lard subbed for palm; sunflower/corn oil subbed for olive; and coconut oil to add hardness and lather.

ETA: I Admire your enthusiasm and I'm glad you're joining in on the challenge.
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The Argo mold is pretty cool. I'm wondering why you bought porkfat? Was there no regular ole lard available? Or was "going cheap" the main priority? With just those two oils/fats, I think you'll have a really soft, low cleansing, low lather bar requiring a long cure. I'd go back and pick up that coconut oil if I were you. I'm just sayin' -- run it through a lye calc and see if you agree. ;)

Then head over to the Basic Trinity of Oils starter formula with lard subbed for palm; sunflower/corn oil subbed for olive; and coconut oil to add hardness and lather.

ETA: I Admire your enthusiasm and I'm glad you're joining in on the challenge.
I know, right?! I would have loved to have found a third oil and I could have bought the crisco, but I couldn't justify spending $3 for 1 Cup of the stuff. The coconut oil was $8 for 10 ounces and I can't imagine who around here would buy it, especially for that price. I didn't even reach for it so for all I know it's been sitting there for years. LOL Plus, I use CO, but I'm not a big fan so the "decent" bar requirement also came into play on that one. Enter the lard. And, YEP, that's the lard available there. Well, unless I bought some bacon...hmmmmm. I'll probably only get 4 ounces or so of fat out of it, but I think it will make for a nice bar. The starch is to help with hardness and lather. Not going to use the whole container of course! I would use rice water, but they don't carry rice. No jokin'!! They have TWO shelves of salsa, but no rice.
Outside of my $1 per bar requirement (not counting the cost of lye), going cheap was not a priority, but not paying exorbitant prices is always a priority. Maybe for everyone's giggles I'll take a pic of the oils selection and post it. 😁

Funny thing about this market - You can't beat their price and quality for fresh meat, or their prices for soda, chips and potatoes. So, I guess my people eat meat and potatoes every night and wash it down with soda, and then have chips and salsa for a snack...then they wake up and fry some taters in pork fat for breakfast. 🤣🤣
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Good lord, lady! When you take on a challenge, in your case it's a Challenge with a capital C!!! Bravo! Now, PM me for where I should send the Crisco & Coconut oil. Poor thing! 😕
Oh don't you worry, my soapy friend. I can get coconut oil for $15/96oz at the Amish store in the next village, and Crisco in the city 25 miles away where I also do my grocery shopping. Hence my requirements. Oh, and just recently discovered I can get tallow for I think 0.79 / pound at the butcher in a different village. But yeah - if I was limited to only our market I likely wouldn't be a soaper!! 😁
Okie dokie - Mine might turn into a multi-post, but Spring is trying to spring and if I don't post something, forcing me to follow-up, I might not do this cool challenge at all! I decided to see what I could do 1. Remaining inside my Village 2. Not shopping the one chain store in the Village (Dollar General - I used to loathe the idea, but that place does come in handy) 3. Making decent soap for $1 or less per bar.
We have a small full-line grocery store but as is so often the case in the country, ice cream and alcohol item take up most of the floor space.

So, I couldn't believe it when I saw a tiny bottle of sunflower oil blend for only 0.99 cents. Wha?! Gimme! Grabbed some corn starch but couldn't find anything affordable for scent or color (paprika $5/ounce - yowza!). With the lye solution, I estimated 0.62 per 4oz pre-cure bar so I was a happy camper. Then, I remembered some fatback in the freezer section a few weeks ago, and to my glee it was still there and affordable! OH and I'll use either the sunflower oil or the corn starch container for my mold. Haaaaaaaaaaaa.
P.S. There were other liquid oils, crisco, and even a jar of coconut oil that were understandably expensive (e.g. 8oz crisco for $3). Combining them, I could make a bar for under $1, but not one I would like, so I didn't justify the spend.

First pic - the buy:
View attachment 56471

While I never imposed a budget on this challenge, your desire to keep spending low is perfectly in line with the spirit of the challenge and I commend you!!! I’m with Zany, I was about to buy you some ingredients AND ship them to you out of sheer empathy 😂 Obviously, that would violate the challenge, but poor Kim needs supplies!!! But your last post clarified that you’ve got the situation under control 😉 I can’t wait to see your results!!! Once again, I want to clarify, I won’t cry if you decide to save a bar for me. If you don’t, that’s TOTALLY OK. I could use a good cry 😢

ETA: When I say “Ship them out to you out of empathy” What I mean is Kim can’t find reasonably priced CO near home, NOT Kim can’t afford CO 😂 I know I probably didn’t have to clarify, but I did 😊
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Once again, I want to clarify, I won’t cry if you decide to save a bar for me. If you don’t, that’s TOTALLY OK. I could use a good cry 😢
Aw geez, we can't have our brilliant "Enabler" in tears. I saved a bar with your name on it. PM me your addy so it can find its way home. :)

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