Punkerdoodle’s Homestead
Active Member
Hi, new guy here. Never made soaps before but looking into it for 2 reasons. One, my 5 year old daughter is interested in making soap. We have a small homestead in N. Alabama, in addition to raising farm animals and growing foods, learning how to utilize, preserve, and store all of this stuff is not only a necessity but in allot of cases fun. Two, I found out soap can be made with lard. We raise Berkshire hogs as a primary source of farm revenue to support its existence. We sell whole and half hogs to people to stock their freezers and very few keep the fat(s) when they have them processed so we get it to render lard. Long story short, it has a shelf life and we occasionally end up with a fair amount of lard that needs to be used before going bad. SOAP! We also have Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats and just scratching their milk potential.
Here to learn and have fun with my Punkerdoodle (Johanna Marie). I will be reading through posts and soaking up information until I know enough to ask a half way intelligent question. Any advice on getting started and keeping a 5 year old interested is most welcome. We also have a huge garden each year and I know how to make tinctures and essential oils so any plants/herbs that may be used please advise. I’m retired (
) with a background in materials science, chemical processes, and quality so hope that doesn’t handicap me too much. Looking forward to learning from you all and maybe contributing at some point.
Here to learn and have fun with my Punkerdoodle (Johanna Marie). I will be reading through posts and soaking up information until I know enough to ask a half way intelligent question. Any advice on getting started and keeping a 5 year old interested is most welcome. We also have a huge garden each year and I know how to make tinctures and essential oils so any plants/herbs that may be used please advise. I’m retired (