Well-Known Member
Good news first...Scout continues to be nothing but a joy, every single day. Not a day goes by that he doesn't do something to completely crack me up, he's such a funny little guy. Now that it's getting a bit warmer, we've gone "walking", which really doesn't involve as much walking as it does sniffing everything along the way, two steps, stop to sniff, five steps, something else to sniff. The world is so full of smelly things that need to be investigated! Learning tricks is a challenge. He's very good at "sit", but is so excited at the prospect of a treat, that he wiggles and squirms out of position. And "give me five" turns into ten as he jumps up and offers both paws. He's just so cute that I end up giving him the treat no matter what, because he tries so hard. I'm a terrible teacher! And I promised him when I got him that even though he's a tiny dog, I wouldn't dress him in any cutesy outfits. He is a guy, after all. So he has parkas, sweaters, a camo jacket, and below is a pic of him in his rainbow skulls T-shirt, looking studly. I love this dog!!!
Sadly, after losing one cat at the end of last October to complications of kidney disease, my remaining cat has been diagnosed with heart failure. After an echocardiogram, X-rays, bloodwork, and a four and a half hour visit to the emergency vet the other day, he's now on four meds, and constant monitoring. We take better care of our animals these days, so that they live longer, but in living longer, they eventually become susceptible to diseases of old age that they never encountered before. It's just too hard. So far, he seems OK, although his appetite, which was always ferocious, is not what it was. But since I'm giving him his meds coated in cream cheese and wrapped in chicken, maybe that has something to do with it, the "appetizers" are filling him up. I hate seeing them sick. I hate for them to be afraid. It seems unfair that they should ever suffer. Even though I know I'm doing the best I can, it doesn't feel like enough. I hate this.
Sadly, after losing one cat at the end of last October to complications of kidney disease, my remaining cat has been diagnosed with heart failure. After an echocardiogram, X-rays, bloodwork, and a four and a half hour visit to the emergency vet the other day, he's now on four meds, and constant monitoring. We take better care of our animals these days, so that they live longer, but in living longer, they eventually become susceptible to diseases of old age that they never encountered before. It's just too hard. So far, he seems OK, although his appetite, which was always ferocious, is not what it was. But since I'm giving him his meds coated in cream cheese and wrapped in chicken, maybe that has something to do with it, the "appetizers" are filling him up. I hate seeing them sick. I hate for them to be afraid. It seems unfair that they should ever suffer. Even though I know I'm doing the best I can, it doesn't feel like enough. I hate this.