I must have the wrong guy. I wouldn't date this one!
OK Pepsi Girl, help me find this mystery man. I can't have a handsome dude lurking in the shower with me without me knowing. I've been faithful to my DH nearly 10 years, but I can't give up a freebie!
Is he in the bottommost bar in the bottommost picture?
Alprinceton, you're back! Just in time for rugged men and rhinos hiding in parsley that never materialized.
I've never actually dated a rhino but I have had some bulls. My DH is a scorpio, and that's enough for me right now. But my soap goes EVERYWHERE that I go, so we'll see what happens. I'll certainly be watching to see what everyone else does, especially that Pepsi Girl...
hmlove, I see The Scream! Now that is haunting! I desperately want to respect the Marine -- is s/he on the swirl top, or the cut face of the bar? I'm looking on the upright bar in the first picture -- is that right?