Get off my a$$ about lard!

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Susie, if you can get a hold of some deer or bear fat, do it. It makes the best tallow and is well worth the time spent rendering it.

I use lard in nearly all my soap, luckily no one in this area really seems to care. If someone did have issues with it, they can get their soap somewhere else.

Ack!, I need to read everything before I ask a dumb question thats already been answered LOL
My grandma, who first showed me how to make soap when i was just a kid, would be rolling over in her grave if she saw one of my all vegetable recipes. haha. She used nothing but, as she put it, "Good hog lard, lye and water." It was out in the country so we would cook it up outside in a big black cauldron, over an open fire. Ah, good times.

Years back when i got into soap making, I started with lard and other oils, it just progressed into non lard recipes. These days, I just don't even think of using it. I like my recipe and it produces a great bar of soap. I still like to experiment with stuff, usually one batch per week, maybe this weekend I'll try out a lard recipe.
Off topic, but do y'all remember during the Atkin's diet mania when pork rinds were considered health food? :think: That still cracks me up. Personally, I'm waiting for the potatoes, cheese and chocolate diet. That one I could get behind.

Im on the steak, stuffed baked potato, and chocolate diet right now :lol:
I've been saving my bacon drippings to recycle into bacon grease soap and people keep THROWING THEM AWAY! :evil:

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo!!!!!!!! Lost bacon drippings! I had to hide mine in a bag of frozen veggies to keep certain people from tossing it. Now I just tell them it is for that lovely soap, and they leave it alone.(It is not for soap, it is for gravy. But shhhhhh.)
50% lard + 50% pomace OO - what do you think about this recipe? I want to try it these days...
I live WAY away from legal bear hunting. Matter of fact, someone went to jail for killing one not too long ago. And the deer here are extremely lean, which is why all the butchers use tallow and lard to make sausage with venison.

I tried the GV shortening, but was unimpressed. Matter of fact, my family said no more of that. Just lard. So I gave that batch to the shelter.
I think it will lack bubbles, and I am a bubble addict. I like Lard 55%, Olive oil 20%, CO 20% and Castor oil 5%, with 1 Tablespoon(14 gm) sugar/500 gm oils.
30-40 years ago my grandmother made 100% lard soap and, as I remember, there was enough bubbles...
I use lard and it's great.

I've used it successfully in shave soap (in place of tallow) and also most recently in making facial soap and pine tar soap (both were made 2 weeks ago).

I cut a piece of PT soap from the large piece/batch (molded in a PVC pipe) and used it this morning to wash my hair. Plenty of bubbles and lather. Excellent result.

I plan on continuing my use of lard. Cheap, easy to get, and makes good soap.

i personally don't mind animal fats, but i know some ppl do. i can't use lard (for religious purposes), but i loooveeee tallow in soaps! :)
I personally hate the massive meat industry and choose not to support it. If I were to use lard/tallow I would purchase it from local farms I trust and like. I'm also not in love with "conventional" farming methods and buy organic/sustainable for everything I can justify. I plan on migrating to 100% organic at some point, at least for the oils (I'm almost there). I just think a lot of the current conventional mass production of one animal/plant is unhealthy for the planet/humanity.

That said, I don't judge any of you for whatever you use! But that is why I don't use lard in my soap.

As the father of a vegan I respect that totally. As for me, call me a skeptic, but I'm dubious of words like "organic" and "sustainable." I'm not really even sure anybody knows what those mean. I lump them in with words like "green," "whole grain," "bio-friendly," and "global warming" "climate change." They all seem to have a common theme of someone else telling me how to live my life, asking me to pay more for doing it and shaming me if I don't live up to some anonymous group's standards and rules. Guess I'm an earth-hater
Yeah, not so much an earth hater. Just not on the bandwagon of <insert cause of the day here>. When I was a child, they taught us all about the coming ice age caused by pollution and gases going into the atmosphere. Now we are being told that it is warming. Guess they need to make up their mind.

Yes, if I can get lard from a local farmer, I will do so. Why? It is good for our local economy, and makes good use of what is produced here. Am I going to avoid using mass produced lard? Nope.
My "go to" soap recipe uses 36.5% Lard. My family, friends, and co-workers LOVE the soap and swear they'll never use store bought again. However, several people requested a vegan soap due to religious restrictions, dietary choices, etc. so I make that as well. I live in a very multicultural community, so try my best to respect other people's choices.
My grandma love soap made with lard. She calls it lye soap. But she doesn't like the soaps I made without the lard/tallow (beef)

I am interested in trying deer tallow
Yeah, not so much an earth hater. Just not on the bandwagon of <insert cause of the day here>. When I was a child, they taught us all about the coming ice age caused by pollution and gases going into the atmosphere. Now we are being told that it is warming. Guess they need to make up their mind.

Yes, if I can get lard from a local farmer, I will do so. Why? It is good for our local economy, and makes good use of what is produced here. Am I going to avoid using mass produced lard? Nope.

I'm curious if you feel the meterological science that was done 40+ year ago before there were really computers more powerful than a Commodore 64 compares to the staggering advances in understanding and the use of supercomputers now? Science always makes the best estimation of the data at the time - and then the press completely gets it wrong (which is what they did went wild with non-peer reviewed nonsense paid for by the oil industry way back then). But hey, we can take comfort in the fact that we now KNOW that we're in extremely deep do-do due to human-produced climate change, and that 98.83% of all the global peer-reviewed scientific literature on the subject since 1990 is in agreement. It's good to be skeptical... but it's better to be informed.

Fat that goes to the landfill ferments anaerobically and becomes methane, which is thirty times more powerful of a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide (the product you get when soap is eventually broken down by bacteria under aerobic conditions. Therefore soaping animal fats is also very green (in addition to the positives that you mention). :)
I'm curious if you feel the meterological science that was done 40+ year ago before there were really computers more powerful than a Commodore 64 compares to the staggering advances in understanding and the use of supercomputers now? Science always makes the best estimation of the data at the time - and then the press completely gets it wrong (which is what they did went wild with non-peer reviewed nonsense paid for by the oil industry way back then). But hey, we can take comfort in the fact that we now KNOW that we're in extremely deep do-do due to human-produced climate change, and that 98.83% of all the global peer-reviewed scientific literature on the subject since 1990 is in agreement. It's good to be skeptical... but it's better to be informed.

Fat that goes to the landfill ferments anaerobically and becomes methane, which is thirty times more powerful of a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide (the product you get when soap is eventually broken down by bacteria under aerobic conditions. Therefore soaping animal fats is also very green (in addition to the positives that you mention). :)

With all due respect, I have seen scientists and media run around like Chicken Little screaming that this or that is true for a lot of years. Then I have seen their dire predictions come to naught. But you never see a single one of them get on the TV and say they were wrong. Whether you choose to believe them or not is your choice. I will continue to weigh what they say against what they said last week, month, or year to see if their track record shows them being right more than wrong, and whether they are honest enough to say when they are wrong.
I'm curious if you feel the meterological science that was done 40+ year ago before there were really computers more powerful than a Commodore 64 compares to the staggering advances in understanding and the use of supercomputers now?

Weather is a large multifactorial problem and scientists have very little understanding of how the factors relate ... numerical solutions are interesting but without some way to verify their accuracy they're completely questionable. This is the case in structural engineering, fluid dynamics, and many many other fields that have adopted the use of powerful computers and mathematical models.

Science always makes the best estimation of the data at the time - and then the press completely gets it wrong (which is what they did went wild with non-peer reviewed nonsense paid for by the oil industry way back then).

If you're referring to "global cooling" perhaps you should obtain the body of information developed by Carl Sagan, who was a huge proponent/mouthpiece of the "global cooling" doomsday community. I have some serious doubts he was sponsored by big oil.

But hey, we can take comfort in the fact that we now KNOW that we're in extremely deep do-do due to human-produced climate change, and that 98.83% of all the global peer-reviewed scientific literature on the subject since 1990 is in agreement. It's good to be skeptical... but it's better to be informed.

I subscribe to the idea that we should use our resources wisely (which collectively we are not) but I am not convinced that "because scientists are in agreement then it is true."

But yes, you can choose to believe in what you want. It is a free country.

... ... Therefore soaping animal fats is also very green (in addition to the positives that you mention). :)


We are in violent agreement!!
