Gah, it's killing me!

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I usually can get free shipping on the 32# deal at ED.
of course I haven't had to order from them in the last 4-5 months, so maybe the don't offer that deal anymore? IDK
Of course I usually always call and talk to the owner about ordering too, and that may be why. I love his accent. :)

They still have it. I might take advantage of it tomorrow. Not sure yet, their website says sales end in Friday but it seems like they have had that one awhile.
I use to order a case of lye from my hardware store and they gave me an awesome deal! They were a small "mom and pop" shop and just recently closed. I was so sad. Trying to save on shipping and support a local business, I tried going to one of the big box stores here and they thought I was crazy asking for a case of lye, were very rude, didn't offer a discount or offer to order the case. I just placed an order from "The Lye Guy" My last order from them came pretty quick. I'm happy with them. :)
I have heard good things about the Lye Guy. I put my lye order through ED and have been happy with it. I am not using lye in huge quantities at this time, and I do like the convenience of the 2 lb bottles.
I don't have a basement. Or even air conditioning. I have a swamp cooler and it gets 110 degrees. I might just have to keep it in the kitchen.
I don't have a basement. Or even air conditioning. I have a swamp cooler and it gets 110 degrees. I might just have to keep it in the kitchen.

As long as it's dry then I don't see a prob with it. The problem with storing lye is humidity and moisture causing it to clump and react.
I don't have a basement. Or even air conditioning. I have a swamp cooler and it gets 110 degrees. I might just have to keep it in the kitchen.

I would die without AC here! Gotta love the humid south. I have my lye double bagged in ziplocks and then sealed in a bucked that has a tight snap on lid. When I had to take the first bag out I divided it between 2 of those 2lb containers that I had kept.

btw, what is a swamp cooler??

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