Fragrance Buddy FO test

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I don't have FB's dirt FO but I do use Garden Dirt from NG. I blend it with rosemary, juniper berry or pine EO's and my hubby's hunting pals LOVE it. I always have to make a big batch in late summer so the fall hunters have plenty. It smells just like potting soil in an herb garden to me. I call mine "Fresh Earth" to avoid saying dirt soap, lol.
Krista, thank you for the suggestions. I have rosemary and thyme EOs and a bunch of coniferous FOs, I'll try blending some. We only have 1 relative who hunts. I'll be sending him the "hunter earthy soaps". I couldn't think what else to call them beside dirt.

Nsmar, many of my testers didn't care for the Black Pearl. They found it too "generic". I tend to like chamomile scents with the Chamomile and Bergamot from MMS being one of my favorite FOs. I expect to be the only one using the Black Pearl. I tried a wet test and the scent is light. I plan on blending it with other FOs similar to the Flowerbomb. If I get any interesting combinations, I'll post.
Can someone help me please? I only have 1 FO and that is all I have used, very boring I know but I don't make much soap. I'm getting together my stuff to make a new soap and thought it would be nice to get a different FO. I went to the FB website and they have so much selection. I got lost for hours looking. The one thing I saw and this where I need the help is their usage rates. Some are low like 8% and some are really high like 60%. What do they mean when they say X%? If you were making a pound of soap what would the % be? Is it oils only or the whole thing with water and lye included? This part of making soap has always confused me. I just leave it at the default setting in soapcalc and use what it says. am I doing it wrong?

The take home message from the maximum usage rate is the higher it is, the less irritating/problematic the chemical components of the FO are. It isn't an exact science. The numbers are based on the best available data. Somebody can still react badly to any of them but the higher the MUR, the less likely it is. I would never use more than 1 oz ppo no matter what the MUR is. They are still chemicals.

If you have any specific scents you like, ask and we can give you recommendations for FOs that did well. It doesn't have to be from Fragrancebuddy. If you have a preferred vendor, there will be somebody on the board who knows something about them.
Ok, generic I don't need LOL.
Now that I'm awake...I have comments and questions :).

I've been doing mostly HP so I'm not much help lately, but the FB Monkey Farts in HP still morphed after cure (didn't expect that). It's actually a much nicer scent than when first poured! No chemical undertone, evenly fruity and I can't pick out a specific fruit anymore. Not sickly sweet either, and I'm not seeing any discolor yet (I did use micas to color).

The coconut lime breeze losing everything but breeze doesn't surprise me, I have yet to find that combo that sticks!

I'm intrigued by the Sage in combo with TCS lavender... I love the lavender sage OOB but havent' done a large batch HP'd to see if it holds even HP. When you say it doesn't smell like sage, does it smell like it does OOB (so it never did smell like sage) or did it morph away from it?

I noticed that the Dirt scent does make even HP stay softer longer too... something in the FO I guess. I mixed it with Fresh Cut Grass and it's a summer scent LOL. I did like it in small quantites with some florals to make it smell more gardeny and less perfumy.

What would you blend mango pineapple with? I love the apple mango so am intrigued that you find it better!

Do you think Lord of Misrule would make a good "hippy" scent? (had a request for one)?
Just my 2 cents to some of your questions, hoping Soapmaker145 will reply, I always look forward to her reviews. The Mango Pineapple is a very strong scent on it's own, and seemed to change back and forth from being more mango or more pineapple. That scent really sticks, but don't know what would be a good blend.

For me the FB True Lavender stayed soft longer, and noticed this in the test batch with the same recipe, different FO's.

I have used the Lord of Misrule, and every bar was taken, I didn't really expect that, I am not a die hard patchouli fan though. For me from FB the Lush Karma, or Merlin's Forest would be a hippy scent. My all time favorite hippy scent is the WSP Nag Champa. Although I purchased another small bottle in December for a special request, and I am still not sure that is the same any longer. I am hoping some of the WSP Nag Champa fans will report back after purchasing from the recent WSP sale. Today I am bringing the special request to my friend, and we will see what she says.
Ok, generic I don't need LOL.
Now that I'm awake...I have comments and questions :).

I'm intrigued by the Sage in combo with TCS lavender... I love the lavender sage OOB but havent' done a large batch HP'd to see if it holds even HP. When you say it doesn't smell like sage, does it smell like it does OOB (so it never did smell like sage) or did it morph away from it?

Do you think Lord of Misrule would make a good "hippy" scent? (had a request for one)?

I don't care for the Lavender Sage. It got harsher and harsher the longer it cured and lost all lavender. Not even a hint of it in the final bar. What is left is not even sage. I put the rest of the LS bottle in a shaving soap (HP) and it smelled true to OOB for a while but it has since faded a lot. I'm considering remelting those soaps and adding a different scent. I would leave them as they are but DH reacted badly to the Lavender. He reacts badly to all flavors of Lavender EO. I need to improve the scent in the shaving bars in order to be able to gift them. What a pain! Not what I expected with HP. Right now, it looks like I'll be adding an equal mix of Lord of Misrule and TCS Lavender.

The blend of FB Sage and TCS lavender is sooooo much better. I need to check the ratios and will update with pictures. I liked both bars I made and both smelled better than the FB LS. Some people may identify the sage as sage but I tend to be picky. I have a lot of herbs in planters in my basement hibernating for the winter and I can tell them all apart just by the scent. Sage and Rosemary are in a class all their own. That said, the FB Sage is not a bad herbal scent. It blended well and I'll use it again for blending. It lost a lot of the complexity it had OOB but it was never pure sage to my nose. I haven't compared it to the EO though. I'm comparing it to the green leaves.

I'm not sure I could identify a "hippy" scent. Lord of misrule is a deep earthy scent, heavy on the Patchouli and Sandalwood. I didn't expect this but DH really likes it. He asked me to add it to the list. To me, it is a less interesting version of FLowerbomb. Some days, Flowerbomb smells just like LoM. Other days (higher humidity), it smells much more flowery and complex. I had eliminated FB and LoM in favor of Patchouli Passion but all 3 are back on the list. I would use PP on its own and the other 2 to blend. Do you have Patchouli Passion?
Hrm, ok, scratch large batch, I'll do a 1 lb batch of the lavender sage to see if my experience is the same as yours.

I do have patchouli passion, and I made a batch with it...and managed to misplace the batch (four bars, 1lb batch). Don't ask how LOL. I had trouble with the bars staying sticky and soft (HP'd) longer than they should, which I noticed doing the CP too. Will make another batch when I don't need a mold as quickly, maybe I'll do some salt in the water. I do like it, perhaps I'll just stick with that for the "hippy" scent and figure out how to work around the soft issue.
Hrm, ok, scratch large batch, I'll do a 1 lb batch of the lavender sage to see if my experience is the same as yours.

I do have patchouli passion, and I made a batch with it...and managed to misplace the batch (four bars, 1lb batch). Don't ask how LOL. I had trouble with the bars staying sticky and soft (HP'd) longer than they should, which I noticed doing the CP too. Will make another batch when I don't need a mold as quickly, maybe I'll do some salt in the water. I do like it, perhaps I'll just stick with that for the "hippy" scent and figure out how to work around the soft issue.

I made a large Patchouli Passion CP batch (about 30 5oz bars). It isn't soft at all. I unmolded at 48 hours and the bars got very hard within a week. My recipe has 40% Tallow, 20% coconut, 5% shea, 2% stearic, 5% castor and the rest an equal mix of hi-oleic sunflower, rice bran, avocado and canola. I added salt, sugar, citric acid, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium lactate (1%). My tester wasn't soft either. I'm not sure why yours was soft.

PP discolors an ugly dark beige/tan. I should have added something to change the color but I didn't think of it at the time. I also should have made a tester with Flowerbomb and PP. Next time.

The other FO to consider is Earthen Oak. It accelerates very very fast. It needs to be added at emulsion, mixed and poured within 2 minutes or it will become a solid block. The scent is strong and I think it will appeal to people who like Patchouli. I made a 1 lb batch of EO and colored it with burgundy oxide.
FB Sage and TCS Lavender: Bars are at least 3 months old.

I haven't had a chance to take pictures but there was no discoloration. Keep in mind that I don't have FB Lavender. I'm using TCS. I have poured a 3lb batch of the TCS Lavender by itself. The bars cured normally and became very hard. I had a problem before with a batch of Lavender EO and BB Vanilla staying soft for a long time but it had buttermilk in it which may have contributed.

I did 1:1 and 1:2 of Sage to Lavender.

The Sage by itself has a nice medium strong herbal scent. It smells appropriately soapy. I would use it by itself or to blend with other herbal scents like eucalyptus and mint. If I come up with any interesting blends, I'll post later.

The TCS Lavender is a soft floral lavender. Mixing it 2:1 with the sage takes the edge off the floral and moves a feminine lavender towards a more unisex scent. It is still easily identifiable as lavender. I suspect it may have better longevity than a straight lavender but only time will tell.

The 1:1 mix smells more like a blend. You can still identify lavender in it but you can smell other herbs. It makes a decent Lavender/Sage FO. It smells much closer to the FB Lavender Sage FO when I first poured the tester and before it morphed. The blend didn't morph at all. I think 1:1 mix is a good place to start but you might want to try 1:1.5 and 1:2 lavender to sage to see what you like. I expected the sage to dominate but the lavender held its own.

I would call it a successful experiment. Overall, I would be happy using all 4 soaps. I don't have a preference but I haven't done a wet test yet with the sage blends. HTH.
Just my 2 cents to some of your questions, hoping Soapmaker145 will reply, I always look forward to her reviews. The Mango Pineapple is a very strong scent on it's own, and seemed to change back and forth from being more mango or more pineapple. That scent really sticks, but don't know what would be a good blend.

For me the FB True Lavender stayed soft longer, and noticed this in the test batch with the same recipe, different FO's.

I have used the Lord of Misrule, and every bar was taken, I didn't really expect that, I am not a die hard patchouli fan though. For me from FB the Lush Karma, or Merlin's Forest would be a hippy scent. My all time favorite hippy scent is the WSP Nag Champa. Although I purchased another small bottle in December for a special request, and I am still not sure that is the same any longer. I am hoping some of the WSP Nag Champa fans will report back after purchasing from the recent WSP sale. Today I am bringing the special request to my friend, and we will see what she says.

I think you are on to something with Lord of Misrule. I had 2 friends smell it and they both loved it. I think other people smell more notes in it than I do. I'll be trying few blends.

Please update the WSP Nag Champa. I've only tried the BB version. For over a month, it smelled like rancid gasoline if such a thing exists. Then it settled into a very light anise scent. Meh! I'm not sure what to blend it with to use up the bottle.

A friend brought me a piece of the Lush Karma soap. The Karma tester lost a lot of complexity compared to Lush Karma. It needs to be blended with something. I'm thinking some citrus right now. I bought a larger bottle of it because a number of people asked for it. Time to make few blends.

I also think the Apple Mango and Mango Pineapple need to be blended with something but I'm not sure what yet. I'll update if I come up with anything useful.
Soapmaker145 I soaped the WSP right around Christmas, the scent isn't like before, and with the same recipe as usual the soap is softer. I am so glad that I didn't get the 16oz bottle. I have used this scent for four years and I have a very old bar that is stronger than my last two new purchases.
I am hoping that my nose is off, but after two tries I think that I am done, it will be interesting to see if others find the FO the same. I really did not like the BB Nag Champa at all, didn't remind me of Nag Champa. CS is supposed to have a good one, but don't know if it will work in CP soap, one review on there says no, but it will most likely be my next sample from them, just not ordering from them for awhile.
I think you are on to something with Lord of Misrule. I had 2 friends smell it and they both loved it. I think other people smell more notes in it than I do. I'll be trying few blends.

Please update the WSP Nag Champa. I've only tried the BB version. For over a month, it smelled like rancid gasoline if such a thing exists. Then it settled into a very light anise scent. Meh! I'm not sure what to blend it with to use up the bottle.

A friend brought me a piece of the Lush Karma soap. The Karma tester lost a lot of complexity compared to Lush Karma. It needs to be blended with something. I'm thinking some citrus right now. I bought a larger bottle of it because a number of people asked for it. Time to make few blends.

I also think the Apple Mango and Mango Pineapple need to be blended with something but I'm not sure what yet. I'll update if I come up with anything useful.

I'm pretty sure I stuck a test bottle of the WSP Nag Champa in you box going out this week.

I love Lush Karma and haven't tried the FB version yet but have a 1oz to try. Let me know if you find any blends that hit home, I would love to come at least close.
I'm pretty sure I stuck a test bottle of the WSP Nag Champa in you box going out this week.

I love Lush Karma and haven't tried the FB version yet but have a 1oz to try. Let me know if you find any blends that hit home, I would love to come at least close.

Thank you :):). This is even more fun since it is a mystery box!!!

The FB Karma is not a very accurate dupe based on the sample I have from Lush. It's not a bad Patchouli on its own. My tester is 4.5 months old. I'll check on it and update (as soon as I can find it).

I knew when I bought a larger bottle that I would have to blend it. The Lush sample had more citrus notes than the soaped FB. I smell lemongrass and something more. If you decide to test some blends, you may need to go heavy on the Karma and lighter on the citrus. Right now, I'm thinking of also adding the Smoky Patchouli from BB.

I'll post if anything works well or is well liked.
Pictures of the Lavender Sage and update on the Orange Blossom and Chili Pepper:

The top row is Sage and the 1:1 and 1:2 Sage to TCS Lavender.

The bottom row are #227 Sweet Orange Chili Pepper, 2:1 blend with Orange Blossom (very light yellow discoloration), and #235 (darker yellow) Orange Blossom. 227 is fairly light at almost ~4.5 months. I mostly smell the chili pepper. It won't make it on its own. 235 lost some of the orange blossom and has acquired something that smells like stale popcorn. I'm hoping it's a phase and it will settle down again or somehow I had some scent transfer from other soaps. It smelled true about a month ago. I'm planning another tester with a little added 10x orange. I would hate to lose this one. Right now, it is one of my most requested FOs. The SOCP/OB tester is about 3 months old. It smells just like the SOCP tester smelled when it was poured with all the orange notes intact. I'll have to wait to see if it'll develop the odd smell of #235. In the next round, I may try the same 2:1 tester with a little BB 10xOrange or TCS Tangerine or both.

I need to improve my lighting so I can take some decent pictures.

One more update on the FB Flowerbomb blends: all were ~30g testers with 1.5ml of fragrance added at medium trace. They all discolored, initially an ugly yellow but slowly turned light chocolate milk/dark beige like the Flowerbomb tester. The color is a drawback. If not marked, the FO is from FB.

It's been about 3 weeks. My favorite is Flowerbomb and Lily of the Valley (F4). It is a strong floral, definitely a sophisticated perfumy mix but I like it a lot. It stayed true since day 1 and hasn't morphed except for the color. In second place is a tie right now between So White (F1) and TCS Flowerbomb (F5). So white adds greener fresher notes to the heavier Flowerbomb. The mix with TCS FBomb softens the floral notes and adds more complex notes of musk and something else. By itself the TCS Fbomb is very light. In third place is the blend with TCS Sweet Pea (F7).

I took out from the rating the blend with TCS Lavender (F2) because it is heavy on the lavender. This is a very nice blend that adds deep complex notes to a floral lavender. I may even like this blend better than the straight TCS Lavender except for the discoloration. I'll be making a 4oz tester of this one.

Now for the bad: the blend with Jasmine (F10). DO NOT try it. It started out mostly jasmine and then turned horrid. Instant nausea, run for fresh air as fast as you can, don't faint along the way. It isn't as bad as FB Lust but it is still plenty bad. I'm beginning to think that Fragrancebuddy doesn't do Jasmine well. The other bad one is Honeysuckle (F6). Initially, it smelled mostly like a softer honeysuckle and then it turned. Gag. I'm thinking of hanging them next summer in my apricot tree to try to drive the miserable squirrels away.

The other blends:
Bob's Flowershop: still smells cheap floral, completely overwhelmed the Fbomb. Didn't improve at all.
Wisteria: smelled better on its own.
Sex Bomb: cheap laundry detergent right now.
Floating Island: faint.
Picnic in the Park: very fruity, overwhelmed the Fbomb, almost no floral notes whatsoever.
Lilac: meh but might change.
Autumn Nights: has potential but it is still morphing.
TCS Winter Candy Apple: also has potential but needs more time. Discolored dark brown (F12).

The nice thing about using the small testers is I don't feel bad tossing them if they stink.

" It isn't as bad as FB Lust but it is still plenty bad"

You know a fragrance is BAD when you use it as a yardstick for nastiness!!
Lust in very light amounts is now offically on the "I might be able to use this" list but NEVER NEVER again for CP. EVER. *shudder* And it cures OUT of the house...

Good to know the other Jasmine doesn't cut it either, and that it's not just me.

"I'm thinking of hanging them next summer in my apricot tree to try to drive the miserable squirrels away" Just lost some tea on the desk...thanks... :).

For the orange blends, you may like the TCS tangerine better in the blend than the 10x orange...I noticed when I used the orange with other things an off "burnt" orange smell developed (HP, but still). The tangerine hasn't done that yet...

Interestingly enough, I have to make another batch of apple mango because it is one of the more popular scents! Some people want to eat it...some say it smells like laundry detergent but in a nice way...funny how everyone is different.
Update on Honeydew Melon: After 3+ months still holding strong and still smells great (on the sweet side). The bar was forgotten in a box and I just found it, used it in the tub and that one is a keeper for me. Now I have to order more....
Nsmar, thank you for the advice on the 10x orange. I took it out of the blends. Right now the only other orange I have is TCS Tangerine which worked very well so far.

I realized that I didn't do the white bowl test on many of these FOs. The FB Flowerbomb and Lord of Misrule lathered white but the water was a light beige. It's workable. Same for the Fbomb blends. The blend of FB and TCS Fbombs is beginning to develop an off note. Not sure what's going to happen to it.

Patchouli Passion which discolored an ugly dark yellowish tan/brown and lathers white has unmistakable yellow water similar to American Cream. It ruins a lovely fragrance.
ooooooooo I did NOT check the lather colors. I will have to do that with the next few batches I do. I know I checked the Asian Sandalwood that I did CP and it lathered dark but I don't remember if I checked the HP version....will be checking! Assuming I don't manage to misplace the Patchouli Passion batch again and spend all my time looking for it:mrgreen:.

I got a 5x orange from someone that did not have as much of a burnt smell blended , but it wasn't as strong and I haven't tested the holding power...I'll have to look for it next time I think of it to see who it was.

Will be placing an order in the next month to I have to go back and re read the entire thread to see what I may want to get besides replacements LOL.

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