Frac Coconut Question

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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
Aurora, Colorado
This is probably a silly question but I didn't see the need to start a new thread. Anyway, haha does fractionated coconut oil have the same properties as coconut oil 76º?

If you go to this link - soap calc and click on CO 76 the qualities come up on the left hand side, do the same with the fractionated and compare, easy.
I'm confused. Are you asking if they have the same properties? Or are you letting people know a way to figure out if they have the same properties?
Yes, you can do comparison of oils on SoapCalc but you need to take some of the info with a grain of salt. For example, the hardness value of olive oil. :wink: FCO doesn't have quite the same effect in soap recipes as is shown. By itself, it is rock hard but doesn't bubble like regular coconut oil. My idea of why this is so is because I've read most of the processes used in manufacturing FCO remove the lauric acid. I said most because from what I understood from the article, it depends on the manufacturer whether the FCO is to be used for medical (dietary and cosmetic are in this category) or industrial purposes. You can also read my comments about the results on different percentages of FCO in several batches which I had posted as a reply to a previous question about using it.