forgot to line molds

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New Member
Apr 18, 2012
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I use pvc pipe for molds and it's been a while since I last made a batch and I guess I forgot to line my molds... cause I went to take the soap out and cut it today and saw that I'd forgotten to line them. I got a plastic spice container that was about the right size and was using it to try and push the soap out and not even my husband could get the soap to budge!

I really don't want to rebatch and I'm having trouble finding info on what to do. I found an faq on another site that said to wait a few more days and see if it dries up enough that it can come out, but if it's that dry would I still be able to cut it without it crumbling? And will it even dry out enough since I use pipes instead of a box?

My husband has a thin saw blade that he can take off his hack saw, if nothing else I could try and saw around the edges and push it out then trim it up and just have soap that's smaller diameter than normal and make soap balls with the shavings. But I'd only do that if there was a strong possibility it would crumble when cutting if I waited a few more days for it to dry up more.
It hasn't done anything to mine. I've been freezing my soaps for a few years now and still have some from about two years ago that was frozen, yet it still holds the scent. :)
I never line my pvc molds. I normaly wait 3 or 4 days and push it out. No problems cutting.
PVC Pipe issue

I did a batch in a PVC pipe and had the same issue, waiting a day helped, and popping it in my 30-40 degree garage helped. It popped right out, also using cans to push it out helped. They were the diameter of pipe, large non-diluted soup kind, that was very helpful.
