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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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I go along for a while without making a "spice" fragranced soap and always forget... I cannot, should not, ever try to make them CP. They get chunky and will not reach trace. They must be done HP for me. This goes for any pumpkin, spice, clove, cinnamon thing I try to make. FO or EO.

Does this happen to anyone else? Haven't researched it on the boards here... I was planning to make a quick clove scented CP this morning and it has turned into an ordeal :p
The very first batch of soap I made had clove e.o. and I didn't have any issues. Granted, I'm not very experienced. The soap is a few months old now and still smells wonderfull. I wanted to make a pumpkin recipe around the holidays and use some spice scents so it will be interesting to see what others have to say.
Saying they won't reach trace, you imply that you add the fragrances before trace.

Any particular reason for this ?
I know spices are notorious for causing problems. However, I've made a couple of spicy things and they didn't give me problems (specifically WSP's "Perfect Pumpkin" (smells heavenly - just like pumpkin pie) and WSP's "Cozy Christmas" (smells just like eggnong).
The only spices I've ever used are clove and allspice. I infused some olive oil infused with ground cloves, then strained and used the oil only. I added some ground allspice at some point. I'd have to go back to my notes. Anyway, I only added a tiny bit of Honey Almond EO to the batch and had no problems.

As I've stated in other threads, I've completely changed how I do all of my soaps. I try to mix my lye water first since it gets so hot. Then, I mix up the oils and heat until melted. I let both of them sit until they're room temp. I add my EO/FO before I poor in the lye water. This method has made it so much easier for me, no matter what I add. I don't think I'll ever try to soap at anything higher than room temp ever again. I've not had anything seize or take a long time to trace. I usually poor at a thin to medium trace.
Hazel said:
tasha -

I'm sorry to hear you've been having problems with spice FOs. Which ones are you using?

Pumpkin Bread from Candlescience... I got it on clearance, I don't think they sell it anymore. It was 4.99 for 8 oz last year, whoopeee, smells great but always leaks oils/tries to separate with every batch I make

Pumpkin Patch from ND (actually maybe I lied, I have used Allspice FO from ND mixed with Vanilla from there too, and I don't remember having a problem... was a while ago though)

regular clove eo ... just a bit. mixed with a citrus-y smell, like lemongrass

Starum... my soap today reached light trace, I added my eo, then it separated. which is how it usually goes.

I don't mind HP... just hate running for the crock pot when things don't work out and it takes a lot longer to make soap than I expected :p
I may have to try that Perfect Pumpkin then, guys... even if it is from wsp. I love pumpkin smells, pumpkin anything really (bread, pies, lattes...)

Thanks for the suggestion! :D
Jackie made a good suggestion about soaping cooler if you're not already doing your batches at room temp.

I recently tried Saffron & Spice from Moonworks and I love it. It's a softer spice fragrance with a tiny hint of a sweet scent. I diidn't have any problems but I did it at room temp. It does turn dark brown.
