Savage Daughter
Formerly known as Quasi Quadrant
Could you post the ingredients of your salve, or link? My friend's adult son is completely incapacitated by some type of rash/pain for years. I'm sure it's a jab injury from far back. Anyway, the only thing he will use is garlic because it's all that seems to work and he's rightly leery of pharma.
I thought maybe I could make some of your salve and see if it helped him.
I actually make several salves for chronic pain now, and every one is different. I custom make them for people based on the issues they are dealing with, their general physical appearance & condition, the types of foods they eat, even their personality. They're 'holistic' formulas based on decades of knowledge I have picked up from working with plants. HOLISTIC is the best word I can use to describe them. Because they are custom made, they will probably never be found in stores, online or anywhere else, and they are not something which can be made by someone else who has no knowledge of plant medicine.
The original salve I made for my friend / neighbor works great for her, but when she gave some to another neighbor to try, not so much. Not surprising. They have very different issues which are contributing to their pain. So I formulated one for him after speaking with him for at least 45 minutes, listening to what he told me & making my own observations. I spoke with him the other day & he says it's working great

Your friend's son sounds like he has completely different issues going on, even though they may be jab-related. There are countless jabs now, as we all know, and his physical / emotional / psychological is unique to anyone else's. It's very very likely that he needs to see a naturopath and / or a homeopath to clear the issue from his body. That's not something I do, although I use homeopathy & herbs internally for my own health issues.
I would suggest doing research in regards to plant medicine if you wish to make a salve for him, and be VERY careful about just going to random websites which are put together by people who don't know what they are doing. I have seen some really irresponsible advice given out by people who know nothing about plant medicine at all.
Very, very good books: