Folded Orange EO

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Dec 25, 2012
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Southwestern USA
Has anyone experimented much with EO alternatives to 10x folded sweet orange EO? Or know where there's a decent price these days? It's almost time to make an orange-patchouli again.

My supply of 10x folded orange EO is almost nil. It appears there is a shortage and costs have gone way up. For example, Bramble Berry had 3.5 oz for less than $9 in Feb 2020, whereas today it is about $23 (142% increase). By comparison, their peppermint EO 2nd distill was $15 then versus $22'ish now (42% increase). I know a lot has changed since pre-pandemic, but clearly something is up with folded orange in particular.

For consolation, their price for lye hasn't changed much (less than 5%) since Jan 2023 ($15 for 2 lbs). I don't have receipts for 2020, but it doesn't seem too out of line.
I get so frustrated with orange EO, I feel like it always fades instantly during saponification. Even folded. I am not a believer in “anchoring” with kaolin clay, but I plan to do some experiments this winter.
Brambleberry has some great fragrance oils but their essential oils are pricey. Try New Directions Aromatics, Jedwards, or SVA.
I get so frustrated with orange EO, I feel like it always fades instantly during saponification. Even folded. I am not a believer in “anchoring” with kaolin clay, but I plan to do some experiments this winter.
Brambleberry has some great fragrance oils but their essential oils are pricey. Try New Directions Aromatics, Jedwards, or SVA.
My experience with folded orange is the same. It's such a waste to spend so much for it and have it disappear immediately. I've tried letting it sit in kaolin clay for a couple hours before adding it to soap batter, but it's always gone as soon as it hits the lye. Goodness, I've even used it in whipped tallow balm along with lemon & peppermint and the citrus disappeared in that, too! Guess I'll just have to eat a fresh orange when I want to smell it!
Has anyone experimented much with EO alternatives to 10x folded sweet orange EO? Or know where there's a decent price these days? It's almost time to make an orange-patchouli again.

My supply of 10x folded orange EO is almost nil. It appears there is a shortage and costs have gone way up. For example, Bramble Berry had 3.5 oz for less than $9 in Feb 2020, whereas today it is about $23 (142% increase). By comparison, their peppermint EO 2nd distill was $15 then versus $22'ish now (42% increase). I know a lot has changed since pre-pandemic, but clearly something is up with folded orange in particular.

For consolation, their price for lye hasn't changed much (less than 5%) since Jan 2023 ($15 for 2 lbs). I don't have receipts for 2020, but it doesn't seem too out of line.
There's a combination of disease and weather problems causing shortages and price jumps. Citrus Greening is ruining orange crops (groves get plowed under as there's currently no cure), and hurricanes etc. do more damage.

Prices are unlikely to drop much any time soon, unfortunately.
You might try using regular orange EO with a fixative or combine it with another EO such as cedarwood, litsea cubeba or vetiver.
@lsg: You might try using regular orange EO with a fixative or combine it with another EO such as cedarwood, litsea cubeba or vetiver.
I've also had good luck with 10x orange blended with patchouli or cinnamon.

I've never purchased from Arizona Soap Supply, but see that they list 10x orange at $16 for 4 ounces.
Arizona Soap Supply - 10 fold orange

Has anyone used 5-fold Orange EO? It's available from New Directions (3.3 oz, $10.99) and Majestic Mountain Sage (4 oz., $10.85) but I've not tried it.
On the other end of the cost spectrum, WSP sells 4 oz. of Crafter's Choice 15x orange for $69.95!!! 😲