Fizzies with Candyhearts

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Bee Happy
Nov 23, 2015
Reaction score
I am kinda proud and impressed over myself here actually.

Proud and impressed over the fact that I managed to NOT eat all the candy hearts before I added them to the fizzies! They are just so delishious. You know, like fizzies for your mouth instead of your feet...?

Anyway, here is per request from penelopejane & SusieOz (*waves hello* : ) I posted them here in the Bath &Bodyforum instead of the soapy thread, since these are after all fizzies, and not soap.

Although some of these looks like they have warts on them, they really don`t! In some of my recipes I use Epsom salt, and I have the coarse kind, which leave a rougher texture, but works just the same as those without. But I did notice some had gotten some hairline cracks in them, probably because of a very sudden change in the weather while they were drying. But it is barely visible, they fizz like crazy, so they just look a littlebit...speshul. My friends will not even care or even notice, this I know for sure, so I won`t beat myself up about it (although if I sold these I would totally make a new batch!)

This luckily almost never happens to me anymore since I tweaked my recipes long ago, so since they are all rock hard I could break a window with these babies. Not gonna, buuuut I could...

I also had allready shrinkwrapped most of the fizzies when I got a request to take pictures, so after I had dried the lavender ones I left those unwrapped so you could see how it looked when they were dry but unwrapped.

By the way, the lavender ones are without epsom salt and have a smoother texture. I have some friends that have to be carefull with epsom salt, so I alternate my recipes to accomodate each friends needs (these are just gifts, I don`t sell)

Scented with essential oils only. These are not bath bombs, but for soaking the feet only (neither of the recipients have a tub)

I call these babies what would be the equivalence of: Fizzie Feet, or Feet Fizzies in english.

The yellow ones are scented with Lemon, Lime , Lemongrass, May Chang & Rosmary. Real dried lemon peel for decoration. I call these <<Morningdew>> as they are fresh like an early morning.

The pink ones with candy harts are with Rosewood, Chamomille, Lime, Rosmary & Bergamot.

They smell sweet & a littlebit tart at the same time. And I named them <<Spring Fever>>. They were supposed to be green, but I added the wrong color and just went for it. They smell sweet enough that the color does not clash with the scent.

The Blue ones are Lavender, Chamomile, Lemongrass and Rosewood.
These are without Epsomsalt, and I call these <<The Sandman>>. This is for a friend of mine that struggles with calming down in the evening.

Fizzies collage 2.jpg

Fizzies collage.jpg
Those are lovely!

Beautiful!! That's a great idea: foot fizzies!!

Thanks guys, you are way too kind! :*

Btw, candy hearts in fizzies are not my original idea! I have seen it on Pinterest, there were several of them there. I don`t know who originally did this first, so I don`t have an original source since internet is flooding with different takes on this.
The candy heart ones are sooo cute! They are all beautiful! Do the lavender buds turn brown like they do in soap?

Hi rosyrobin, and thank you: )

No, I haven`t noticed that. I had a few sealed in a jar last year, and they were around 4 months old, and they looked just as fresh as they did when I made them. I don`t know of course if this was due to the fact that I stored them in a heavyduty glass jar (that can withstand the gas these creates, so I air them out once in a while if I have some extra ones) or - that simply not enough time had passed for them turning brown.

Others may have experienced otherwise, but haven`t heard about this being an issue.

Hope that helped : )
Awesome!! I find myself trying to imagine what they all smell like, you make them sound delicious!
Love the candy heart idea too :D

They smell sooo good, I wish we had some sort of button we could press so you could smell it! : D But if I should dare to describe my favourite - which is the pink one at the moment - the Lime, Bergamot and Chamomile gives of a distinct fruity combination that is sweet and a bit tart (sort of if you cross an apple with an grapefruit, this is what I am smelling) Then the Rosewood adds a woody note, and the Rosemary hangs out in the background making a Rosemary kick.

Actually, I am sniffing the fizzie as we speak (I saved one for myself as I am taking a pedibath this evening) and this description is the closest I can come to what I personally is experiencing when I stick my nose to it : )

Really beautiful you have done a stunning job!

You are too kind, thank you penelopejane! I just noticed you sent me a pm, will answer in a sec!