Thanks all!!!
Heres the colors I added:
1.5 titanium dioxide to the oils before adding the lye (a little trick I just learned)
1 tsp black oxide to about a cup of the batch
1 tsp matte green oxide
1 tsp matte green oxide with 1 tsp titanium dioxide with 1 tsp neon lemon yellow oxide
-the keys are to pour as soon as oils and lye are emulsified, so very light trace...that way when you get to the top, your batter is still liquid. Also, pour each color down the width of the mold uniformly- start with all the black, then green, then light green, etc....makes more defined swirls- I used to just pour the colors willy nilly on top, but I prefer this uniform swirl look (linear swirl), its more professional and gives more pop in my opinion...
I'm planning on using my BB 18 bar birch mold to do an entire linear swirl today, not just the top...will post a picture!!!