First HPCP and questions

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2015
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Hi all
Yesterday I tried my firstish HP in a crock pot. I made some shaving soap this weekend with the crock pot and yesterdays batch was my first HP bar soap attempt.


Palm oil 35%
Olive oil 30%
Coconut oil 25%
Castor 5%
Pistachio oil 5%

I used soapcalc for the lye calculation with NaOH

The cook smelled like beef tallow and maybe I cooked it too long. 45 min total for 40 oz. But it came out looking fine today when I unmolded it.

It did come out two toned as you can see in the pics. I put some baby oil on the inside of the pvc to help removal and am wondering if that would account for the coloring.

Smells like soap, not tallow.

Any ideas about the coloring?



Thanks all
Let's get your terminology straight.

HP=hot processed
CP=cold processed

You can't have HPCP.

Next, the color could result from cooking too long, with just that outer edge remaining light from exposure to the non-saponifying baby oil(which I presume has mineral oil or some other petro-chemical in it.)
Let's get your terminology straight.

HP=hot processed
CP=cold processed

You can't have HPCP.

I thought HPCP meant hot process crock pot.

The baby oil ingredients say mineral oil and fragrance, which could be vanilla.

Thanks all.
I thought HPCP meant hot process crock pot.

The baby oil ingredients say mineral oil and fragrance, which could be vanilla.

Thanks all.

Can you clarify please. I don't see baby oil in your recipe listed. When did you add baby oil? HP is pretty much done in a crock pot or in the oven. It's still just HP. HTH.
I think you meant CPHP - as the term is crock pot hot process. Either way, tool used is not overly important so most people just say HP when using a slow cooker, or maybe specify the tool used only when there is an issue ("I was cooking my HP in the oven..................")

As for the discolouration, can you maybe take the oddest shaped bar, one that you won't really cry about smooshing it about, then cut off a good bit of the rind and then also a decent chunk from the middle. With a good pause in between, sniff them both - if the rind smells a lot like baby oil and the inside not, it might well go some way to explain it.
The baby oil was only used to line the PVC mold to ease removal. I would have used plain mineral oil but I was out.

All the oils were melted together in the crock pot.

Lye solution was added and I switched back and forth between a stick blender and hand stirring.

This crock pot tends to run hot. On low the temperature stays around 200.

At trace the pot was covered for twenty minutes.

After another ten minutes I zap tested and there was no zap.

I added about one half ounce baby oil to the inside of a 3 inch pvc mold and drained of any excess.

Soap then went in the mold for 24 hours. I took it out today.

At this point the soap is lathering fine and Im pleased with it, just curious about the coloring.

With the higher temp crock pot and this being my first HP (possibly cooked too long), is it possible that this is what the brownish color would come from
I think you meant CPHP - as the term is crock pot hot process. Either way, tool used is not overly important so most people just say HP when using a slow cooker, or maybe specify the tool used only when there is an issue ("I was cooking my HP in the oven..................")

As for the discolouration, can you maybe take the oddest shaped bar, one that you won't really cry about smooshing it about, then cut off a good bit of the rind and then also a decent chunk from the middle. With a good pause in between, sniff them both - if the rind smells a lot like baby oil and the inside not, it might well go some way to explain it.

No noticeable difference to me lathered up or not. My nose though is not all that sensitive.
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